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  • 17:03, 24 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/99 (Not proofread: Created page with "v. 8. ludentem cum Rebecca. rabini, et Caietanus<lb/>putant per ludum intelligi actum coniugalem.<lb/>sed non est verisimile in propatulo id<lb/>egisse Isaacum. neque verbum h...")
  • 15:59, 24 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/98 (Not proofread: Created page with "v. 35 panem et lentes. Rabini fabulantur Iacobum<lb/>coxisse lentes, quia eo die mortuus erat Abraham.<lb/>ipsi enim in funere vescuntur lentibus. At quando A<lb/>braham obiit...")
  • 01:22, 24 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/97 (Not proofread: Created page with "nunt per Esaupopulum iudaeorum, per Jacob populum<lb/>christianum ex gentibus. et ratio est, quam d. Pau<lb/>lus rom 9 indicat, quia Esau erat<lb/>primogenitus secundum natura...")
  • 01:00, 24 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/96 (Not proofread: Created page with "quod collectum fuit ad locum ubi non erat populus<lb/>sed sola Sara<lb/>v. 14 in generationibus eorum. Nota<lb/>men inter תוֹלְדָה et דוֹר quo primum si<lb/>gnific...")
  • 17:52, 23 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/95 (Not proofread: Created page with "praeter Saram uxorem")
  • 21:20, 22 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/94 (Not proofread: Created page with "v. 60 sis in millia millium etc. Augustinus in questionibus<lb/>non erant prophetae isti nec inaniter imprecabant<lb/>bona sorori; sed audierant a servo Abrahae fuis<lb/>se a...")
  • 20:52, 22 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/93 (Not proofread: Created page with "eius. Caietanus putat circulum aliquem<lb/>positum in naribus Rebeccae, non inaures<lb/>in auribus quasi esset bubalus aliquis.<lb/>At אַף significat quidem nasus, sed<lb/>...")
  • 17:05, 22 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/92 (Not proofread: Created page with "christi nativitatem ex virgine: viam colubri <hi rend="superscript">navis</hi><lb/><del>super petrum</del> in mari cristi vitam inter persequuntio<lb/>nes; viam colubri super...")
  • 16:43, 22 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/91 (Not proofread: Created page with "cum graeca, quae habet didrachmum, sed non<lb/>cum graeca quae habet drachmam, ut patet<lb/><lb/>v. 32 dedit aquam pedibus camelorum<lb/>graeca, chaldea, et hebrea habent pe<l...")
  • 14:56, 22 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/90 (Not proofread: Created page with "duos aureos nummos; et armillae 40.<lb/>aureos nummos. nam una drachma<lb/>auri facit unum aureum <del>una vera</del> <hi rend="superscript">didrschmon</hi><lb/>duos aureos<lb...")
  • 13:54, 22 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/89 (Not proofread: Created page with "nam 2. reg. 14. dicitur quod Absalom appende<lb/><del>sunt. Nota 2<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> siclum in scriptura non semper</del><lb/>dat capillos suos 200 siclis pondere<l...")
  • 21:11, 19 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/88 (Not proofread: Created page with "porro siclus apud Epiphanium lib de mensuris, et<lb/>ponderibus est quarta pars unciae. nam <unclear>im</unclear> ipsum<lb/><del>erat aut duplex siclus communis valens</del><l...")
  • 23:56, 18 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/87 (Not proofread: Created page with "v 16 virgo, et vir non cognoverat eam<lb/>Caietanus putat, nomen virginis, referri<lb/>ad habitum, quo utebantur virgines. Augustinus<lb/>in libro <unclear>10</unclear>quaesti...")
  • 20:06, 18 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/86 (Not proofread: Created page with "v. 10 de omnibus bonis domini sui. Quia in hebreo<lb/>habetur portans omnem substantiam domini sui, putant<lb/>aliqui, quod portavit in charta omnes redditus<lb/>domini sui, u...")
  • 17:55, 18 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/85 (Not proofread: Created page with "Cap. 24<lb/>v. 1 Erat abraham senex / centum et 40 annorum<lb/>erat nam Isaac erat 40 annorum quando duxit uxo<lb/>rem. dicit autem Moses, Abrahamum fuisse se<lb/>nex et divit...")
  • 17:39, 18 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/84 (Not proofread: Created page with "")
  • 17:36, 18 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/83 (Not proofread: Created page with "")
  • 17:35, 18 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/82 (Not proofread: Created page with "")
  • 17:34, 18 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/81 (Not proofread: Created page with "dicata sepulchro. aliorum Abraham non eam emisset<lb/>non enim volebat sepelire Saram cum infidelibus.<lb/>Emit ergo solum terra, et locum illum, quod<lb/>nuncemimus situm ad...")
  • 17:25, 18 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/80 (Not proofread: Created page with "v. 17 benedicentur in semine tuo quia in he braeo est in hitpael הִתבָרְכוּ iudaei exponunt omnes gentes benedicent se in se mine Abrahae dicentes, faciat mihi Deus...")
  • 13:56, 18 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/79 (Not proofread: Created page with "eius. vult enim Hagar dimissam cum famulis,<lb/>etiumentis, et cibariis, et omnia data<lb/>in curam Hagar. sicut Isaiae 9 dicitur<lb/>factum est imperium super humerum eius<lb...")
  • 13:40, 18 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/78 (Not proofread: Created page with "v. 10 ludentem. Hieronymus in hebraicis quaestionibus dixit, secundum<lb/>hebraeos Ismael fecisse idola. Vel ioce<lb/>vendicasse sibi primogenita.Chrisostomos<lb/>simpliceter...")
  • 12:00, 18 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/77 (Not proofread: Created page with "Cap. 21.<lb/>v. 7 Quis <del>cred</del> auditurum crderet Abraham,<lb/>quod Sara lactaret filium. hebraea<lb/>verba מִי מִלֵּל לְאַבְרָהָם<lb/>tribus modis...")
  • 18:43, 17 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/76 (Not proofread: Created page with "sub nomine maritierit tibi velamen oculorum ad<lb/>omnes id est si dixeris clare Abrahamum tuum<lb/>esse ??, avertes a te omnium oculos<lb/>nemo enimaudebit concupiscere alien...")
  • 18:20, 17 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/75 (Not proofread: Created page with "mariti; ad mille argenteorum numerum, <del>et ad</del><lb/><del>ipsum factum id est modum quo Sara parum abfuit</del><lb/><del>ab adulteria</del>unde exurgunt plurimae exposit...")
  • 18:55, 16 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/74 (Not proofread: Created page with "v. 16 ecce dedi fratri tuo mille argenteos, etc.<lb/>locus obscurissimus. <del>in graece</del> ubi<lb/>in hebraeo est וְנוֹכָחַתet reprehensa<lb/>est nam est benoni...")
  • 13:51, 16 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/73 (Not proofread: Created page with "videtur tamen probabilius, fuisse Saram nepotem<lb/>Abrahae, id est filiam fratris, ut docent Josephus <lb/>l. 1 antiquitatum <del>cap. 6</del> et Hieronymus l.contra<lb/>Elvi...")
  • 12:46, 16 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/72 (Not proofread: Created page with "imo videntur pecasse contra conscientiam,<lb/>nam credebant patrem suum virum<lb/>iustum, numquam id facturum dumiudicio<lb/>uteretur, et ideo inebriaverunt illum.<lb/>v. 32 e...")
  • 12:25, 16 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/71 (Not proofread: Created page with "cunt istum rabinum filiae Loth,<lb/>qui ideo patri suo misereri voluerint<lb/>quia timbant, ne mundus periret,etc<lb/>>et Josephus l. 1 c. affirmat<lb/>se illam statuam vidis...")
  • 00:28, 16 August 2022 talk ⧼pdflogentry⧽ (User: exported as a PDF book)
  • 22:00, 15 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/70 (Not proofread: Created page with "et deinde cum <del>multipl<<lb/><lb/>/del> crevisset")
  • 21:57, 15 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/69 (Not proofread: Created page with "16 non respicias post te. Cajetanus<lb/>quia audivit a suo rabino טַּבִּיט<lb/>esse in hiphil, putat vertendum,<lb/>ne facias respicere post te. ut<lb/>sensus sit, cur...")
  • 08:01, 15 August 2022 talk ⧼pdflogentry⧽ (User: exported as a PDF book)
  • 18:43, 14 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/68 (Not proofread: Created page with "sensu.poterant enim intelligi proprie, ut suonabant<lb/>et hoc videbatur ei non esseintendum a Deo<lb/>poterant etiam intelligi mystice. at quando Deus ex<lb/>plicuit, proprie...")
  • 17:30, 14 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/67 (Not proofread: Created page with "in via gur. gur desertum est inter Arabi<lb/>a, et aegyptum, quod postea dictum est a<lb/> fuga Hagar Hagara, ut patet apud<lb/>chaldaum paraphrastem, et quia in hoc deser<lb/...")
  • 22:33, 13 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/66 (Not proofread: Created page with "At falli eos patet, p<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> ex Paulo hebr. 7<lb/>ubi hinc probat Melchisedech fuisse sacer<lb/>dotem. 2<hi rend="superscript">o</hi> quia facit actus sa...")
  • 20:45, 13 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/65 (Not proofread: Created page with "Protulit panem et vinum, haeretici huius<lb/> temporis, et cum eis Cajetanus in hunc locum<lb/>dicunt prolatum panem, et vinum ad refici<lb/>endos milites Abrahae, non ad sacr...")
  • 17:10, 13 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/64 (Not proofread: Created page with "De urbe Salem. omnesfere putant,<lb/>Salem esse Hierusalem, quia in ps. 76<lb/>dicitur et factus est in Salem <del>taberna<lb/></del> locus<lb/>eius, et habitatio eius in Syon...")
  • 00:02, 13 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/63 (Not proofread: Created page with "gulis vocibus sunt dubio. an p")
  • 23:17, 12 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/62 (Not proofread: Created page with "nimirum relicta domo sua, qua erat ultra<lb/>")
  • 15:33, 11 August 2022 Piet Van Boxel talk contribs created page Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/61 (Not proofread: Created page with "sed ante eversionem pentapolis")
  • 18:05, 10 August 2022 Arnaldo Ezequiel Fernandez talk contribs created page User:Arnaldo Ezequiel Fernandez/Notepad/Mandato de escritura (Created page with "{{AddNote |Note title=Mandato de escritura |Note text=Ocasiones en las que BLM es llevado a la escritura de sí o de sus experiencias. |Page(s) link(s)=Page:BLMM 1060 02.djvu/...")
  • 17:47, 10 August 2022 Arnaldo Ezequiel Fernandez talk contribs created page User:Arnaldo Ezequiel Fernandez/Notepad/Misión al Mogor BLM (Created page with "{{AddNote |Note title=Misión al Mogor BLM |Note text=Textos donde viene sugerida la misión o donde se explica el deseo de ir de misionero. |Page(s) link(s)=Page:BLMM 1060 02...")
  • 12:05, 9 August 2022 Arnaldo Ezequiel Fernandez talk contribs moved page User:Arnaldo Ezequiel Fernandez/Notepad/Familiaridad to User:Arnaldo Ezequiel Fernandez/Notepad/Familia BLM/Familiaridad
  • 12:04, 9 August 2022 Arnaldo Ezequiel Fernandez talk contribs created page User:Arnaldo Ezequiel Fernandez/Notepad/Familiaridad (Created page with "{{AddNote |Note title=Familiaridad |Note text=1060 I, 205<br> «si che nel giorno seguente mandò [il principe Mattias de'Medici] la sua carozza à<lb/> prendermi, e m'hà t...")
  • 13:21, 7 August 2022 talk ⧼pdflogentry⧽ (User: exported as a PDF book)
  • 13:19, 7 August 2022 talk ⧼pdflogentry⧽ (User: exported as a PDF book)
  • 13:17, 7 August 2022 talk ⧼pdflogentry⧽ (User: exported as a PDF book)
  • 11:30, 7 August 2022 talk ⧼pdflogentry⧽ (User: exported as a PDF book)
  • 11:05, 7 August 2022 talk ⧼pdflogentry⧽ (User: exported as a PDF book)
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