Editorial projects


Editorial projects description

GATE project came into being with the idea of publishing sources for the study of the modern age with special reference to the documents preserved by the Historical Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University. The observations carried out from the study of documents are intended to account for the evolutionary processes within the various fields of knowledge since the early modern period.Current activities to date have involved on the one hand transcribing and editing individual documents, and on the other hand annotating them and subsequently creating pages devoted to specific aspects (concepts or people) that recur in the texts. Part of this work was conducted by APUG staff and part by its external collaborators.
In order to enhance these contributions and at the same time encourage other scholars to participate in the project, it was decided to launch two editorial projects with the goal of collecting some of the contributions published in GATE, selected according to quality criteria guaranteed by a Editorial Committee. The two editorial projects are entitled:

  • Lexicon of modernity (ISBN: 9788878393950; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1483194): entries related to the concepts emerging from the documents and characterizing modernity are collected within this project.

See this link for a list of planned and already implemented entries.

  • Monumenta: constructing history (ISBN: 9788878393967; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2533200): Gathered in this project are biographical entries of people or entities mentioned in documents published in GATE or entries related to events or topics recurring in them. A list of published and pending entries can be found at questo link.

Because of GATE's collaborative nature, it should be noted that articles that will flow into these two projects, as 'higher' level contributions, will have limitations as to the changes that can then be made by other users following publication; changes will be allowed only to the authors of the contributions (for corrections or additions) and to the platform administrators for the sole purpose of maintaining and updating the platform. Following author approval, contributions may still be left open to editing by other users, who will instead always have the opportunity to make comments or remarks on the discussion page linked to each contribution.
Like GATE, the editorial projects just mentioned also have an international calling, which is why their titles are English, the target language of both initiatives. However, contributions will also be published in other languages (Italian, French, Spanish), and authors who wish to do so may provide translations of their contributions in the languages of their choice.
Pages that by quality and standing are made to merge within one of the two aforementioned projects will be distinguishable by a recognition symbol and by the presence at the bottom of the page of the clear indication of the author, editorial data and a permanent identifier (ISBN and DOI of the publishing project of reference). Particularly:

  • contributions hosted in the Observations on modernity project will be distinguishable by this symbol: [[File:Book designed by Benny Forsberg from the Noun Project - with lines.png|50px]
  • papers published in Monumenta: constructing history will be marked instead with this symbol Emojione BW 1F4D1.svg

As part of two publishing projects, the contributions can be used for research evaluation purposes.

Editorial board

To guarantee the quality of the contributions published within the Lexicon of modernity and Monumenta: constructing history, an editorial board has been established:

  • Alberto Cevolini, Università Modena-Reggio Emilia
  • Perla Chinchilla, Università Iberoamericana (Città del Messico)
  • Ileana Chinnici, Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica
  • Fabio Ciotti, Università Roma Tor Vergata
  • Pierre Antoine Fabre, EHESS (Parigi)
  • Mark A. Lewis, Pontificia Università Gregoriana
  • Cristina Marras, ILIESI-CNR
  • Franco Motta, Università di Torino
  • Flavio Rurale, Università di Udine
  • Rachele Sprugnoli, Università del Sacro Cuore di Milano
  • Pasquale Stoppelli, già Sapienza Università di Roma
  • Debora Tonelli, FBK (Trento)
  • Stefania Tutino, University of California Santa Barbara