

The names of the donors are listed in the manuscript file on this platform and in the Catalogue of Italian Manuscripts (MANUS Online MANUS Online). Once the restoration of the codex is complete, a final event will take place in which donors and all contributors will be invited to participate.

Laboratorio APUG.jpg

Fundraising activities include paid visits. Every contribution collected is used for the conservation and restoration activities of the Diagnostic and Restoration Laboratory of the APUG.

Why donate?

The conservation and preservation of historical memory is not one of the 'emergencies', real or putative, that occupy the headlines. Nevertheless, the material loss or impossibility of consulting a manuscript - a unique object that can never be reproduced in its entirety - entails damage that is difficult to underestimate: a piece of history disappears forever.
Our aim is to prevent the interruption of the material transmission of centuries-old knowledge that has reached us and for which we are responsible.

In order to cope with a large number of unique documents that are in a poor state of preservation, the APUG strongly advocated the installation of an in-house restoration lab. Given the scope of the work, as much help as possible is needed. Thanks to institutional donations and the generosity of small donors, numerous codices have been saved over the past few years.

The Archivio Storico of PUG understands the valorisation of its fonds as a complex process in which practices such as daily and preventive conservation, cataloguing, special treatments for the partial or total consolidation of codices, the eventual restoration of the document, up to the putting online of the digitised manuscript to allow both critical study and scientific dissemination.
The Historical Archive of the WYP conceives its work as a complex process in which practices such as daily and preventive conservation, cataloguing, special treatments for partial or total consolidation of the manuscripts, the eventual restoration of the document, up to the putting online of the digitised manuscript to allow both critical study and scientific dissemination are linked.

APUG 1446
F.C. 1000 bookbinding
APUG 830

How to Contribute

  • Conservation treatments: 200 euro for work on the binding to 3,000 euro for the restoration of a particularly complex codex.
  • Digital conversion and publication in GATE: 800 euros per manuscript and 15 euros per letter (for Correspondence projects)

These costs are indicative for outline interventions. If you wish to participate in a complete enhancement project, the benefactor will be invited to a presentation in which the costs will be detailed.

Bank transfer
Pontifical Gregorian University
Banca Popolare Etica - IBAN: IT82 A 05018 03200 000011180791 - Bic Swift: ETICIT22XXX


Reason : Donation to Historical Archives

I manoscritti salvati

In the course of almost 10 years of work, numerous interventions have been carried out. Here are the most significant ones: