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<blockquote class="templatequote">
{{Main page
<p style="font-size:95%;text-align:left">"Par archive, j’entends d’abord la masse des choses dites dans une culture, conservées, valorisées, réutilisées, répétées et transformées. Bref toute cette masse verbale qui a été fabriquée par les hommes, investie dans leurs techniques et leurs institutions, et qui est tissée avec leur existence et leur histoire. Cette masse de choses dites, je l’envisage non pas du côté de la langue, du système linguistique qu’elles mettent en œuvre, mais du côté des opérations qui lui donnent naissance. […] C’est, en un mot, […] l’analyse des conditions historiques qui rendent compte de ce qu’on dit ou de ce qu’on rejette, ou de ce qu’on transforme dans la masse des choses dites."</p>
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<div class="templatequotecite" style="font-size:100%;text-align:right">−Michel Foucault, <cite>Dits et écrits, Tome I</cite></div>
    | title = Monumenta
    | description = Recalling the tradition of the ''Monumenta'' meant as the publication of sources, GATE ''Monumenta'' collect correspondence and works (manuscript and printed) of some jesuits or related to a specific subject. '''Read more'''
[[File:APUG_Manuscripts.jpg|400px|thumb|left|Historical Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University manuscripts]]
    | image = Lafiteau.jpg
The Historical Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University preserves about 6, 000 manusctipts, mostly works written by the Roman College Jesuits through four centuries, from its foundation in 1551 until today. A large amount of these codices are not still published, since they are texts prepared by professors for the lessons, correspondence, notes and sermons. <br/>
To value this heritage it has been decided to start an open and collaborative project where users from all over the world can give their contribution.<br />
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If you would like to cooperate to this project, please [mailto:archivio@unigre.it send an email to us] in order to receive an account and start your collaboration.
    | title = Collections
    | description = Collections are groups of documents or resources related to a subject or to a single author. A collection is composed only by documents preserved by APUG, usually unpublished, without an aim of completeness. '''Read more'''
== Aims and goals ==
    | image = APUG_Manuscripts.jpg
The main goal of this platform is to take advantage of the possibilities offered by a simple and ready to use software like MediaWiki, in order to publish not edited sources owned by the Historical Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University. Sources like those ones that we are going to publish here, usually require years of scholarly work and consistent funding, especially for digitization and to develop and design web platforms. Sometimes these preliminary requirements discourage the start of many projects, especially within small institutions.
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== Projects ==
    | title = Lexicon of modernity
=== ''[[Epistolae Bellarmini cardinalis]]'' ===
    | description = The ''Lexicon of modernity'' is one of the editorial projects hosted on GATE. Its aim is to create an historical glossary of concepts used during the modern era. '''Read more'''
This project aims to transcribe all the 2,674 letters collected by the jesuits François Xavier Le Bachelet (1855-1925) and Sebastian Peter Cornelis Tromp (1889-1975). These letters compose the so called ''Epistolae Bellarmini cardinalis'' collection, nine volumes of typescript ''epistolae'' transcription, almost ready to be published but, due to unknown reasons, not yet published until today.
    | image = Lexicon_Polemicum.jpg
=== [[Athanasius Kircher Correspondence]] ===
The Archives preserves 14 volumes of letters sent by and to Athanasius Kircher, famous Jesuit resident at the Roman College during the XVIIth century. Years ago, Stanford University digitized all the letters and made them accessible via LunaImaging software, enriching them with detailed metadata. To complete this work, here we will publish the transcription of the letters.
=== [[Angelo Secchi Correspondence]] ===
Angelo Secchi (1818-1878) was a jesuit astronomer and scientist, one of the father of the modern Astrophysics. The Archives preserve a large amount of his works, both handwritten and printed - with a lot of manuscript addition - and his extensive correspondence with the most important scientists of his time. With about 8,000 letters and more than 1,500 people involved, this correspondence is a treasure for the History of Science studies.
== External links ==
* [https://archiviopug.org/ Historical Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University Website]
* [http://www.unigre.it/home_page_it.php Pontifical Gregorian University Website]
* [http://claviusontheweb.it/ Clavius on the web project]

Latest revision as of 10:52, 13 July 2022

  • Monumenta
    Recalling the tradition of the Monumenta meant as the publication of sources, GATE Monumenta collect correspondence and works (manuscript and printed) of some jesuits or related to a specific subject. Read more
    Recalling the tradition of the Monumenta meant as the publication of sources, GATE Monumenta collect correspondence and works (manuscript and printed) of some jesuits or related to a specific subject. Read more
  • Collections
    APUG Manuscripts.jpg
    Collections are groups of documents or resources related to a subject or to a single author. A collection is composed only by documents preserved by APUG, usually unpublished, without an aim of completeness. Read more
    APUG Manuscripts.jpg
    Collections are groups of documents or resources related to a subject or to a single author. A collection is composed only by documents preserved by APUG, usually unpublished, without an aim of completeness. Read more
  • Lexicon of modernity
    Lexicon Polemicum.jpg
    Lexicon of modernity
    The Lexicon of modernity is one of the editorial projects hosted on GATE. Its aim is to create an historical glossary of concepts used during the modern era. Read more
    Lexicon Polemicum.jpg
    Lexicon of modernity
    The Lexicon of modernity is one of the editorial projects hosted on GATE. Its aim is to create an historical glossary of concepts used during the modern era. Read more
  • Monumenta
    Recalling the tradition of the Monumenta meant as the publication of sources, GATE Monumenta collect correspondence and works (manuscript and printed) of some jesuits or related to a specific subject. Read more
    Recalling the tradition of the Monumenta meant as the publication of sources, GATE Monumenta collect correspondence and works (manuscript and printed) of some jesuits or related to a specific subject. Read more
  • Collections
    APUG Manuscripts.jpg
    Collections are groups of documents or resources related to a subject or to a single author. A collection is composed only by documents preserved by APUG, usually unpublished, without an aim of completeness. Read more
    APUG Manuscripts.jpg
    Collections are groups of documents or resources related to a subject or to a single author. A collection is composed only by documents preserved by APUG, usually unpublished, without an aim of completeness. Read more
  • Lexicon of modernity
    Lexicon Polemicum.jpg
    Lexicon of modernity
    The Lexicon of modernity is one of the editorial projects hosted on GATE. Its aim is to create an historical glossary of concepts used during the modern era. Read more
    Lexicon Polemicum.jpg
    Lexicon of modernity
    The Lexicon of modernity is one of the editorial projects hosted on GATE. Its aim is to create an historical glossary of concepts used during the modern era. Read more

GATE board


Conclusa la prima tappa di inventariazione e catalogazione del Fondo Collegio Romano.


A partire da settembre, due tirocinanti dell'università "La Sapienza" e un tirocinante dell'università americana di Notre Dame, sono al lavoro sui seguenti progetti di trascrizione e analisi in GATE:

Older news


2023-10-09 Roberto Bellarmino e la cultura rabbinica del suo tempo. Presentazione dell’edizione digitale del manoscritto autografo e inedito Notae in Genesim (APUG 385b). E' possibile prenotarsi compilando il form.


The APUG promoted a seminar for restorers and conservators to reflect on the issues that emerged during the diagnostic analysis and restoration work carried out on codex FC 1165/1 over more than two years of the project.


The School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon and the the Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University present the manuscript of António Vieira's Clavis Prophetarum (FC 1165/1).


New special project in Monumenta Bellarmini: L'Index haereticorum di Roberto Bellarmino: un progetto in collaborazione con l'Universidad Católica de Córdoba. Thanks to f. José L. Narvaja collaboration the text of the unpublished Bellarmine's Index haereticorum is now available on GATE.


New collection available! A collection dedicated to Giuseppe Gianfranceschi - jesuit, scientist and former rector of the Pontifical Gregorian University - has been opened. At the moment it includes four sections: La spedizione polare, Radio Vaticana, ASCI, Accademia.

...read all the news

A focus on a concept or a subject from the documents published on GATE.

In GATE we do not ask what is time but how time is observed in some documents. See the entry ’’Temporalitas’’ published by Martín María Morales in the Lexicon of modernity. This concept is annotated on GATE in the following pages:

... further results
Would you like to contribute to GATE? How could you help us? How have other people already contributed? Visit this section to find out more about our collaborators or click here to ask for an account and start your collaboration!