Balthasar Loyola Mandes Collection
Balthasar Loyola Mandes (1630-1667) was a Moroccan prince who converted to Catholicism and in 1657 became a Jesuit. The Historical Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University holds some of his manuscripts containing letters and devotional works (description in MANUS On Line: APUG 1060), which will be published in this collection.

Huile sur toile, 0,61x0,54. Toulouse Résidence.
Provenance: Peut-être le tableau peint à Béziers en 1667 et remis "à l'epoque révolutionnaire dans la famille de Saune" qui le possédant en 1910. Restitué ou donné à la nouvelle Résidence de Toulouse après 1910.
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APUG 1060 I
This manuscript contains some of the Loyola Mandes' letters. For metadata and transcription of each letter, please click on the following links:
- APUG 1060 I 101r-103v
- APUG 1060 I 137bis r-v
- APUG 1060 I 226r-v
- APUG 1060 I 230r-231v
- APUG 1060 I 241r-v
- APUG 1060 I 292r-294v
- APUG 1060 I 329r-330v
To search the text of the letters, use the following search module.
APUG 1060 IV[1]
- Oratio contra Mahomettem, et eius sectatores. Scripta à Patre Balthassare Loyola Mandes Societatis Jesu 1665 (APUG 1060 IV, pp. 1-44)
- Copia d'una lettera arabica mandata da un Turco Fessano al Padre Baldassare Loyola Mandes della Compagnia di Giesù nell'anno 1664. la qual lettera fù voltata in Italiano dal medesimo Padre nel Collegio di Genova verso il fine d'Agosto 1664 (APUG 1060 IV, pp. 45-51)
- La risposta del Padre Baldassare Loyola Mandes della Compagnia di Giesù alla predetta lettera del Turco fessano (APUG 1060 IV, pp. 52-98)
To search the text of the manuscript APUG 1060 IV, use the following search module.
- ↑ At the following link you can read the diplomatic transcription of all the manuscripts with call number APUG 1060 IV.