Monumenta: constructing history


Monumenta: constructing history (ISBN: 9788878393967; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2533200) is an editorial project in which scholars and GATE users publish contributions about the documentation edited within the Monumenta. These contributions will include articles about people and historical issues and events that occur in the documents. About

Some information about the editorial project

The Monumenta: constructing history is a publication promoted on GATE thanks to the support of the publisher GB Press.[1] To cite the whole project you can use the following bibliographic information:

Specific information for each entry can be retrieved at the bottom of their pages.
All the entries of the Monumenta: constructing history can be recognized thanks to the presence of the symbol Emojione BW 1F4D1.svg, put at the top and at the bottom of each entry; in addition, at the bottom of each entry there are also links to the author's page, to bibliographic information and to download a PDF of the entry (experimental). See the bottom of this page for an example.

All the entries of the Monumenta: constructing history are reviewed and approved by the GATE editorial board.

Available contributions


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The text of this page has been reviewed and approved by the Monumenta: constructing history (ISBN: 9788878393967 ; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.2533200) editorial board.
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