Angelo Secchi Project

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Angelo Secchi (1818-1878)

Angelo Secchi (1818-1878) is undoubtedly one of most intriguing and interesting charachter within the Italian scientific community of the 19th century. For almost 30 years he has been head of the Roman College Astronomical Observatory; he was physicist, astronomer, meteorologist and a passionate enthusiast of Archeology and Paleontology.
Today most of his papers are preserved in the Historical Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University; a first finding aid of these papers was published by Ileana Chinnici and Wiktor Gramatowski in 2002 [1].


A large section of Secchi's papers is composed by his huge correspondence. APUG preserves about 8,000 letters sent by and to Angelo Secchi during his life and career, which testify his contribution to the international scientific community of the 19th century. Within this project all the letters will be digitized and transcribed, starting from his correspondence with the Italian astronomer Pietro Tacchini (1838-1905).


Many of the works published by Secchi are preserved by APUG in their manuscript or draft form. Through these papers it is possible to study the evolution of Secchi's work before and after the publication of his books and papers. However, in this section we will give the priority to unpublished manuscripts, such as his travel diaries.


As it has been done for other GATE projects, also for Secchi we want to set up a bibliography where publications about him and his scientific thought are recorded.
Even in this case, the starting points to collect bibliographical information will be the Polgar's and Archivum Historicum Societatis Iesu bibliographies. Anyone who has an account can contribute to this bibliography:


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This page has been written thanks to Ileana Chinnici's kindness and broad knowledge about Angelo Secchi.


  1. Ileana Chinnici, Wiktor Gramatowski, Le carte di Angelo Secchi S.J. (1818-1878) conservate presso la Pontificia Università Gregoriana. Un inventario rivisitato, Nuncius. Annali di storia della scienza, 16 (2001), nr. 2, pp. 571-627. See ASP Bibliography 0001.