Epistolae Bellarmini Cardinalis
The Epistolae Bellarmini Cardinalis (EBC) project aims to transcribe all the letters filed within the Epistolae Bellarmini Cardinalis Collection. From this page you can access to the collection through indexes and other research tools.
To collaborate to the transcription project you should ask for an account writing to gate@unigre.it or filling this form. We will create a username associated to your email address; then you will receive an email with a temporary random password that will allow you to log in GATE.
To start your collaboration to the EBC project, you can browse the ToDo section of this page. Before editing any page, please carefully read the transcription guidelines for this project.
The following indexes are a work in progress, since new letters are updated every day.
Full-text search
To search within the Epistolae Bellarmini Cardinalis collection, use the following search module. Do not delete the preloaded text since it is necessary to limit the search to the Bellarmino correspondence; add your search term after the preloaded text.
As default, the search is done just in the Main namespace; if you want to search the whole database, also letters not yet proofread, select also the Page and Index namespaces.
Before editing any page, please carefully read the transcription guidelines for this project.
Unless otherwise indicated, all files and contributions (transcriptions, pages, comments) uploaded and submitted to GATE by administrators and users are considered to be released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. All the rights on the images of the manuscripts or other documentation are property of the Historical Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University (User:ArchivesPUG). If you need high resolution images for your publications or for other usages, please contact us at gate@unigre.it or fill this form.
Your contributions to GATE must be original or, at most, copied from public domain or similar free sources. Remember to always cite your sources and, more important, do not submit copyrighted work without permission.
Report any abuses to the project administrators.
We would like to thank Daniel Benvenuti for his help in digitizing and uploading the Epistolae Bellarmini Cardinalis collection.