The Epistolae Bellarmini Cardinalis (EBC) project is aimed at transcribing and annotating all the letters filed within the Epistolae Bellarmini Cardinalis Collection. The Historical Archives of Pontifical Gregorian University contains the unpublished collection entitled Epistolae Bellarmini Cardinalis, which is composed of about 2,674 letters either sent to Cardinal Robert Bellarmine, or written by him, between March 1599 (when he was appointed Cardinal) and October 1621. The letters in the collection, which are typewritten, have been collected by François Xavier Le Bachelet SJ (1855-1925) and Sebastiaan Peter Cornelis Tromp SJ (1889-1975). They are subdivided into nine volumes in chronological order: the first eight volumes contain the so-called Collectio Le Bachelet, while the last volume was added later by Tromp.
From this page you can access to Epistolae Bellarmini Cardinalis Collection through indexes and other research tools.
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To start your collaboration to the EBC project, you can browse the ToDo section of this page. Before editing any page, please carefully read the transcription guidelines for this project.
Years Index
The following indexes are a work in progress, since new letters are updated every day.
Full-text search
To search within the Epistolae Bellarmini Cardinalis collection, use the following search module.
97.4% completed
2,604 of 2,674 letters have been uploaded and 3,270 letters pages have been proofread.
Metadata search
Today, the database contains metadata of 1,378 of 2,674 letters and it is constantly growing, thanks to the help of GATE users.