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Summary: Kircher continues to elaborate on his theology of creation and explores, specifically, the relationship between the Virgin and original sin. This passage repeats the theme of divine privilege given to the Virgin Mary by God before all of creation and persisting throughout eternity, and this preordained status also--besides exempting Mary from Original Sin--grants her complete and total beauty. The very end of this section touches upon Adam and Eve, though Kircher does not spend much time on the comparison.
Summary: Kircher continues to elaborate on his theology of creation and explores, specifically, the relationship between the Virgin and original sin. This passage repeats the theme of divine privilege given to the Virgin Mary by God before all of creation and persisting throughout eternity, and this preordained status also--besides exempting Mary from Original Sin--grants her complete and total beauty. The very end of this section touches upon Adam and Eve, though Kircher does not spend much time on the comparison.
Key Words: "Divinae mentis Verbo," "Deiparae in mente Divina, praeexistential," "unicam cum Christo in Libro Vitae," "nascantur filij irae," "Divinae providentia," Sola et unica Maria, ex universa humani generis corrupta," "eam in unigeniti consubstantialisque," "matrem ab aeterno electam praedestinasset," "praevaricatio Adae, et Evae," "secundo Adae, et Evae"
Key Words: "Divinae providentia," "praevaricatio Adae, et Evae," "secundo Adae, et Evae"

Revision as of 09:38, 4 December 2024

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in ipso, vita erant; ita ut nullum ens in universa hac
Mundi machina a Deo productum, vitam, motum, naturam,
proprietates, viresque habere possit, nisi ab ideis in
Divinae mentis Verbo, exemplari omnium, praeexistentibus
secundum enim haec omnia per ipsum facta sunt, et sine
ipso factum est nihil. Quae si vera sunt, sicuti sunt verissimae,
et aeterna veritatis; Quid de gloriosae et ---
--- Deiparae in mente Divina, praeexistentia dicemus?
Verum cum haec omnem humani ingenij captum excedant,
satis est, ipsam solam unicam cum Christo in Libro Vitae
extitisse, humillimo, et devotissimo mentis absequio fateri,
credere, et admirari; ut proinde, vel ex hoc capite consequantur
praerogativae, quantas nulla unquam ex puris
creaturis, creatura rationalis obtinuit, neque in omnem
aeternitatem consequetur. Videlicet, cum omnes homines
nascantur filij irae, in peccatis nati, et concepti; Sola et
unica Maria, ex universa humani generis corrupta
massa, particularis privilegij praerogativa, a Deo ab
originali noxa, quam omnes incurrunt, admirando
Divinae providentiae prodigio praeservata, tota semper
pulchra, et sine macula extitit; tota pulchra corpore,
tota pulchra in anima sine ullo peccati vestigio tota
in sensibus exterioribus interioribusque pulchra. Tota
itaque pulchra es, et macula non est in te; nec fuit, nec
erit in omnem aeternitatem. Noli mirari, hoc enim ex
parte aeterni Patris, qui cum eam in unigeniti consubstantialisque
filij sui matrem ab aeterno electam praedestinasset,
tantae majestatis parem decere quoque videbatur,
ut ei de condigna matre, privilegio, quod nulli
alteri creaturarum purarum concesserat, providere,
nec id immerito; cum enim praevaricatio Adae, et Evae
ruinam Mundi intulisset, maxime convenire videbatur,
secundo Adae, et Evae, quorum ope ruina hominum, Angelorumque.

Summary: Kircher continues to elaborate on his theology of creation and explores, specifically, the relationship between the Virgin and original sin. This passage repeats the theme of divine privilege given to the Virgin Mary by God before all of creation and persisting throughout eternity, and this preordained status also--besides exempting Mary from Original Sin--grants her complete and total beauty. The very end of this section touches upon Adam and Eve, though Kircher does not spend much time on the comparison.

Key Words: "Divinae providentia," "praevaricatio Adae, et Evae," "secundo Adae, et Evae"