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This privacy policy and its subpages draw on, with edits and adaptations, the Wikimedia Foundation Privacy Policy.


This Policy explains how we collect, use, and share your personal information.

  • We collect very little personal information about you.
  • We do not rent or sell your information to third parties.

By using GATE, you consent to this Policy.

We do not sell or rent your nonpublic information, nor do we give it to others to sell you anything. We use it to figure out how to make GATE more engaging and accessible, to see which ideas work, and to make learning and contributing more fun.


When we say... ... we mean
"GATE" / "we" / "us" / "our" Historical Archives of the Pontifical Gregorian University that maintains and manages GATE.
"you" / "your" / "me" You, regardless of whether you are an individual, group, or organization, and regardless of whether you are using GATE or our services on behalf of yourself or someone else.
"this Policy" / "this Privacy Policy" This document, entitled the "GATE Privacy Policy"
"contributions" Content you add or changes you make to GATE.
"personal information" Information you provide us or information we collect from you that could be used to personally identify you.
"third party" / "third parties" Individuals, entities, websites, services, products, and applications that are not controlled, managed, or operated by GATE.

We recognize that only a minority of you are familiar with technical terms like “IP” and “cookies” used in the Privacy Policy. Whether you are brand new to privacy terminology or you are an expert who just wants a refresher, you might find our Glossary of Key Terms helpful.

What this Privacy Policy does cover

Except as explained below, this Privacy Policy applies to our collection and handling of information about you that we receive as a result of your use of GATE. This Policy also applies to information that we receive from our partners or other third parties. To understand more about what this Privacy Policy covers, please see below.

Examples of what this Privacy Policy covers

For the sake of clarity, this Privacy Policy covers, regardless of language:

  • All GATE contents including user pages, discussion pages, and noticeboards.
  • Emails and notifications from us or sent to us from you.

Use of info

Types of Information We Receive From You, How We Get It, & How We Use It

Your Public Contributions

Whatever you post on GATE can be seen by everyone. When you make a contribution to GATE, including on user or discussion pages, you are creating a permanent, public record of every piece of content added, removed, or altered by you. The page history will show when your contribution or deletion was made, as well as your username. We may use your public contributions, either aggregated with the public contributions of others or individually, to create new features or data-related products for you or to learn more about how GATE is used.

Unless this Policy says otherwise, you should assume that information that you actively contribute to GATE, including personal information, is publicly visible and can be found by search engines. Like most things on the Internet, anything you share may be copied and redistributed throughout the Internet by other people.

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However all contributions to GATE are released using the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License that should protect users contributions from not authorized uses by third parties. In any case, we recommend to do not contribute any information that you are uncomfortable making permanently public, like revealing your complete name or location in your contributions.

Account Information & Registration

You are not required to create an account to read GATE contents. If you want to contribute you must sign in; to sign in you must ask for an account to GATE administrators. No edits are possible without signing in.

If you want to create an account, we will send to your email a username and a temporary password. Your username will be publicly visible. Your password is only used to verify that the account is yours. Your IP address is also automatically submitted to us, and we record it temporarily to help prevent abuse. No other personal information is required, such as date of birth and credit card information.

Once created, user accounts cannot be removed entirely (although you can usually hide the information on your user page if you choose to). This is because your public contributions must be associated with their author (you!).

Information related to your use of GATE

We may use common technologies to collect information about how you use GATE.

We use this information to enhance your user experience and to develop new features.

We want to make GATE better by learning more about how you use it. Examples of this might include how often you visit GATE, what you like, what you find helpful, how you get to GATE and whether you would use a helpful feature more if we explained it differently. We keep information related to your use of GATE confidential, except as provided in this Policy.

Information we receive automatically

Like other websites, we receive some information about you automatically when you visit GATE. This information helps us administer GATE and enhance your user experience.

Because of how browsers work and similar to other major websites, we receive some information automatically when you visit GATE. This information includes the type of device you are using, the type and version of your browser, your browser's language preference, the type and version of your device's operating system, in some cases the name of your internet service provider or mobile carrier, the website that referred you to GATE, which pages you request and visit, and the date and time of each request you make to GATE.

Put simply, we use this information to enhance your experience with GATE. For example, we use this information to administer the site, provide greater security and fight vandalism; understand how users interact with GATE, track and study use of various features and analyze trends.