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Bibliographic details for Dissidentia

You can build your own citation style using the following bibliographic details:

  • Title: Dissidentia
  • Author: Marco Ornelas
  • In: Lexicon of modernity
  • Place of publication: Rome
  • Publisher: GB Press
  • Year of publication: 2019
  • Permanent URL: https://gate.unigre.it/mediawiki/index.php/Dissidentia
  • ISBN: 9788878393950
  • DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1483194
  • Date retrieved: 19 September 2024

BibTeX entry

 @incollection{Marco Ornelas2019,
   author = "Marco Ornelas",
   title = "Dissidentia",
   booktitle = "Lexicon of modernity",
   publisher = "GB Press",
   year = "2019",
   url = "https://gate.unigre.it/mediawiki/index.php/Dissidentia",
   note = "[Online; accessed 19-September-2024]"