Bibliography:AKC Bibliography 0070

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Bartola, Alberto. Alle origini del Museo del Collegio Romano: documenti e testimonianze. (2004).

Name(s) Bartola, Alberto
Title Alle origini del Museo del Collegio Romano: documenti e testimonianze
Place of printing
Year 2004
Language(s) ita
Contained in Nuncius (Annali di storia della scienza), anno XIX (2004) fasc. 1, 297-356
Bibliographic level Paper in journal
Catalogue description
Key Concept(s)
Keyword(s) Kircherian Museum; Roman College
Cited in


At the origin of the Roman College Museum lies the scientific and experimental collection of the Jesuit Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680). Through the testamentary legacy of Alfonso Donnino (1651), the Museum was enriched by a collection of antiquities, portraits, rare and precious objects. Through Kircher's correspondence, the notarial documentation and Filippo Bonanni's Notizia circa la Galleria del Collegio Romano (1716), the paper presents the history and fortune of the famous museum from 1651 to the first half of the XVIII century.