Bibliography:AKC Bibliography 0407

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Findlen, Paula. How information travels. Jesuit networks, scientific knowledge, and the early modern Republic of Letters, 1540-1640 . (2019).

Name(s) Findlen, Paula
Title How information travels. Jesuit networks, scientific knowledge, and the early modern Republic of Letters, 1540-1640
Place of printing
Year 2019
Language(s) eng
Contained in FINDLEN, Paula (ed.). Empires of Knowledge. Scientific Networks in the Early Modern World. London, New York: Routledge, 2019, p. 57-105.
Bibliographic level Book chapter
Catalogue description
Key Concept(s)
Keyword(s) Republic of Letters; Kircher, Athanasius; Information; Science; Jesuit global network; Correspondence; Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc; Fernão Cardim; José Acosta; Christophorus Clavius; Gianfrancesco Sagredo; Galileo Galilei; Johann Schreck; Cristoforo Borri; Francesco Barberini; Martino Martini; Magnetic declinations; Magnetism
Cited in

P. 57: "By the beginning of the seventeenth century early modern Europeans envisioned the Society of Jesus as a community of informed observers who might, willingly or unwillingly, assist with various efforts to collect strategic information in different parts of the world. "