Mainz is a place which could occur on GATE as: place of origin in letters, place of destination in letters, printing place in publications, keyword in bibliography entries, cited place within documents transcriptions. This page provides data for each one of these possibilities; to get more information on the results, click on the values of the Page column.
Place of origin in letters
Page | Sender | Recipient | Date |
AKC 1652 09 27 567-085.pdf | Cornaeus, Melchior | Kircher, Athanasius | 27 September 1652 |
AKC 1655 06 07 561-037.pdf | Schott, Kaspar | Kircher, Athanasius | 7 June 1655 |
AKC 1655 07 15 567-047.pdf | Schott, Kaspar | Kircher, Athanasius | 15 July 1655 |
AKC 1655 07 22 561-038.pdf | Schott, Kaspar | Kircher, Athanasius | 22 July 1655 |
AKC 1655 09 12 567-049.pdf | Schott, Kaspar | Kircher, Athanasius | 12 September 1655 |
AKC 1655 10 04 567-051.pdf | Schott, Kaspar | Kircher, Athanasius | 4 October 1655 |
AKC s.d. 567-052.pdf | Schott, Kaspar | Kircher, Athanasius | |
EBC 1601 10 07 0185.pdf | Justus Calvinus (Baronius) | Bellarmino, Roberto | 7 October 1601 |
EBC 1603 04 05 0329.pdf | Justus Calvinus (Baronius) | Bellarmino, Roberto | 5 April 1603 |
EBC 1603 04 05 0330.pdf | Justus Calvinus (Baronius) | Bellarmino, Roberto | 5 April 1603 |
EBC 1613 12 24 1354.pdf | Adamus Contzen | Robert Bellarmino | 16 December 1613 |
EBC 1614 08 04 1456.pdf | Simon Ryckius | Bellarmino, Roberto | 4 August 1614 |
Place of destination in letters
Printing place in publications
Cited place in documents transcriptions
Keyword in bibliography entries
Mainz doesn't occur in this query.