Bibliography:FCR Bibliography 0051

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Karioun, Soraya - Croix, David de la. Scholars and Literati at the Gregorian University in Rome (1551–1773). (2021).

Name(s) Karioun, Soraya; Croix, David de la
Title Scholars and Literati at the Gregorian University in Rome (1551–1773)
Year 2021
Language(s) English
Contained in Repertorium Eruditorum Totius Europae - RETE, vol. 3
Bibliographic level Paper in journal
Catalogue description
Keyword(s) Collegium Romanum; Jesuit Education
Cited in

This note is a summary description of the set of scholars and literati who taught at the Jesuit University in Rome (Roman College - Gregorian University) from its inception in 1551 to the suppression of the Society of Jesus in 1773.