Index:ASC 1862 08 22 12-103.pdf

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Sender Ignazio Calandrelli
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Recipient Angelo Secchi
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Date 1862-08-22
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Place of origin Genzano
Place of destination Roma
Is followed by
Language ita
Source APUG 12, 8 (let. 103) cc. 197-198
Internal sequence {{{Internal sequence}}}
Number of leaves 2
Bibliographic level Manuscript
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Graphic apparatus
Published in
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Progress  To be proofread
Transcription 197r 197v 198r 198v
Abstract Calandrelli thanks Secchi for his observations and apologizes for having worked ahead on the mathematical formulation for a certain comet dating back to 1811. He details the materials he had on hand for this work - including Cométographie by Alexandre Guy Pingré and Sul progresso degli studi astronomici negli ultimi tempit by Giovanni Santini - and the difficulties he faced therein. Calandrelli concludes by informing Secchi of the calculations he is presently undertaking with the method of Pierre-Simon de Laplace. He adds that if he comes to Rome, he will write to Secchi.
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