Property:Has title


This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
<i>Father Athanasius Kircher S.I., master of an hundred arts</i>  +
<i>Father Athanasius on the Isthmus of a Middle State: Understanding Kircher's Paleontology</i>  +
<i>Father Kircher S.I.: scientist, orientalist and collector</i>  +
<i>Fatti edificanti nella vita di missionario, Zikawei, 27 IX 1928</i>  +
<i>Fiorellini celesti in terra pagana</i>  +
<i>Fioretti spiriturali di una giovanetta</i> = 幼女神花記  +
<i>Flucht, Aufstieg und die Galilei-Affäre. Drei Jahre im Leben des Athanasius Kircher. Eine Mikrostoria (1631-1633)</i>  +
<i>Fortsetzung und Ergänzungen zu C.G. Joechers allgemeinem Gelehrten-Lexicon</i>  +
<i>Fortuna e sfortune della</i> Musurgia Universalis <i>attraverso l'epistolario kircheriano della Pontificia Università Gregoriana</i>  +
<i>Four Trees, Some Amulets, and the Seventy-two Names of God: Kircher Reveals the Kabbalah</i>  +
<i>Four centuries of Slovenian Vacuum Techniques from Auersperg-Guericke's experiment (1657) to Tesla's Maribor (1878/1879)</i>  +
<i>Fracastorius, Athanasius Kircher and the germ theory of disease</i>  +
<i>Frammenti di due antiche Carte cinesi presso l'Osservatorio astronomico di Bologna</i>  +
<i>Froberger's</i> stylus phantasticus <i>in his Allemande movements</i>  +
<i>From ‘The Eyes of All’ to ‘Usefull Quarries in philosophy and good literature’: Consuming Jesuit Science, 1600-1665</i>  +
<i>Fulda und der Römischer Phönix</i>  +
<i>Further Notes on Matteo Ricci's De Amicitia</i>  +
<i>Galileo in China. Relations through the Roman Colllege between Galileo and the Jesuit Scientist-Missionaries (1610-1640)</i>  +
<i>Galileo in Cina. Relazioni attraverso il Collegio Romano tra Galileo e i gesuiti scienziati missionari in Cina. (1610-1640)</i>  +
<i>Galileos Jesuit connections and their influence in his science</i>  +
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