Property:Is contained in


This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
''Santi per oggi'' (Torino, Boria 1955), 239-256.  +
''Semblanzas de testigos de Cristo para los nuevos tiempos''. Madrid (Encuentro Ediciones) 1993-1994, vol. 9, 107-124  +
''Sicut flumen pax tua. Studi in onore del Cardinale Michele Giordano'' (Napoli, D'Auria 1997), 645-661.  +
''Spiritus et littera: Beiträge zur Augustinus-Forschung. Festschrift zum 80. Geburtstag von Cornelius Petrus Mayer OSA'', Guntram Förster, Andreas E.J. Grote, Christof Müller herausgeber (Würzburg, Echter, 2009), 459-527  +
''Staatslexikon'', 6. Auflage 1 (1957), 1033-1035  +
''Storia della teologia'' (Roma, Edizioni Dehoniane 1996), 523-570  +
''Testvéreink a szentek'' (Eisenstadt, Prugg Verlag) 1982, 211-215  +
''The Cambridge companion to Galileo'' (Cambridge, University Press 1998), 367-387  +
''The Encyclopedia of Christian Civilization'', ed. by George Thomas Kurian (Malden, MA, Blackwell, 2012)  +
''The Galileo affair: A meeting of faith and science'' (Città del Vaticano, Specola Vaticana 19g5), 102-110.  +
''The Holy Name: art of the Gesù: Bernini and his age'', edited by Linda Wolk-Simon (Philadelphia, Saint Joseph's University Press, 2018), 125-144  +
''The Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena VI. Proceedings of a conference held October 18-23, 2009 in Venezia, Italy'', Edited by Enrico Maria Corsini (San Francisco: Astronomical Society of the Pacific, 2011), 3-12  +
''The Oxford dictionary of Christian Church''. Ed. by F. L. Cross and E. A. Livingston (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1997), 181  +
''Theologen des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. Konfessionelles Zeitalter, Pietismus, Aufklärung'', Martin Jung, Peter Walter (Hgs.) (Stuttgart, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2003), 35-53  +
''Theologie aus dem Geist des Humanismus: Festschrift für Peter Walter'', herausgegeben von Hilary Anne-Marie Mooney, Karlheinz Ruhstorfer, Viola Tenge-Wolf (Freiburg, Herder, 2010), 42-56  +
''Theologische Realenzyklopädie'' 5 (1980), 525-531  +
''Theory and Practice in 17th-19th Century Theatre", Katalin Czibula, Júlia Demeter, Márta Zsuzsanna Pintér (eds.). Atti del convegno internazionale (Eger 6-9 settembre 2018), Líceum Kiadó (2019). pp. 21-32.  +
''Theory and Practice in 17th-19th Century Theatre", Katalin Czibula, Júlia Demeter, Márta Zsuzsanna Pintér (eds.). Atti del convegno internazionale (Eger 6-9 settembre 2018), Líceum Kiadó (2019). pp. 55-68.  +
''VisibileInvisibile: percepire la città tra descrizioni e omissioni. Atti VI Congresso AISU (Catania, 12-14 settembre 2013)'' (Siracusa, Tyche, 2013), 7. Ritratti di città: città restituite e città interpretate, 2036-2047  +
''Vita e cultura a Mondovì nell'età del vescovo Michele Ghislieri ( S. Pio V)'' (Torino, Deputazione subalpina di storia patria 1967), 169-184  +
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