Property:Has creator


This is a property of type Text.

Showing 20 pages using this property.
Rager, John C.  +
Rager, John C.  +
Rai, Eleonora  +
Raitz von Frentz, Emmerich  +
Raitz von Frentz, Emmerich  +
Raitz von Frentz, Emmerich  +
Raitz von Frentz, Emmerich  +
Raitz von Frentz, Emmerich  +
Raitz von Frentz, Emmerich  +
Raitz von Frentz, Emmerich  +
Raitz von Frentz, Emmerich  +
Raitz von Frentz, Emmerich  +
Raitz von Frentz, Emmerich  +
Raitz von Frentz, Emmerich  +
Raitz von Frentz, Emmerich  +
Raitz von Frentz, Emmerich  +
Ramirez Silva, Luis  +
Ramirez Silva, Luis  +
Ramirez Silva, Luis  +
Rebohm, Simon  +
... more about "Has creator"
Has type"Has type" is a predefined property that describes the datatype of a property and is provided by Semantic MediaWiki.