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AKC Bibliography 0077Copts and Scholars: Athanasius Kircher in Peiresc's Republic of LettersMiller, Peter N.
AKC Bibliography 0078Private and Public Knowledge: Kircher, Esotericism, and the Republic of LettersMalcolm, Noel
AKC Bibliography 0079Fulda und der Römischer PhönixFletcher, John E.
AKC Bibliography 0080Il Rev. Padre Kircher trasformistaRosa, Daniele
AKC Bibliography 0081Observations upon Father Kircher's Opinion concerning the Burning of the Fleet of Marcellus by ArchimedesParsons, James
AKC Bibliography 0082Le Musée KircherLafaye, G.
AKC Bibliography 0088Rerum naturalium historia nempe quadrupedum insectorum piscium variorumque marinorum corporum fossilium plantarum exoticarum ac præsertim testaceorum existentium in Museo Kircheriano edita iam a P. Philippo Bonannio nunc vero nova methodo distributa notis illustrata in tabulis reformata novisque observationibus locupletata a Iohanne Antonio Battarra AriminensiBattarra, Giovanni Antonio
AKC Bibliography 0089Athanasius KircherBäumer, R.
AKC Bibliography 0090Dictionnaire historique et critiqueBayle, Pierre
AKC Bibliography 0091Athanasius KircherNiceron, Jean-Pierre
AKC Bibliography 0092Fabio Chigi, Apostolic Delegate in Malta (1634-1639): an edition of his Official CorrespondenceBorg, Vincent
AKC Bibliography 0093Musaei Kircheriani aerea notis illustrataContucci, Contuccio
AKC Bibliography 0094Epistolae Kircherianae: Index alphabeticus; index geographicusGramatowski, Wictor
Rebernik, Marjan
AKC Bibliography 0095Alchemy in the Society of JesusBaldwin, Martha
AKC Bibliography 0096Alchemy in the Society of Jesus in the Seventeenth Century: Strange bedfellows?Baldwin, Martha
AKC Bibliography 0098Kircher AtanasioWeiss, Christian Samuel
AKC Bibliography 0099Kircher AthanaseWeiss, Christian Samuel
AKC Bibliography 0100Catalogo del Museo KircherianoDe Ruggiero, Ettore
AKC Bibliography 0101Kircher, Athanasede Félice, Fortuné Barthélemy (ed.)
AKC Bibliography 0103Reverie in a Time of Plague: Athanasius Kircher and the Plague Epidemic of 1656Baldwin, Martha
AKC Bibliography 0104Athanasius Kircher ünd die Kenntnis vom Alten ÄgyptenBeinlich, Horst
AKC Bibliography 0105Die Welt als Einheit: Eine Annäherung an das Wissenschaftskonzept des Athanasius KircherDaxelmüller, Christoph,
AKC Bibliography 0106Science, History, and Erudition: Athanasius Kircher's museum et the Collegio RomanoFindlen, Paula,
AKC Bibliography 0107Perché Kircher?Eco, Umberto
AKC Bibliography 0108Le macchine cortigianeLo Sardo, Eugenio (ed.)
AKC Bibliography 0109Kircher sapiente musicologoVlad, Roman
AKC Bibliography 0110Il latino di KircherSonnino, Maurizio
AKC Bibliography 0111Introduction. Athanasius Kircher, S.J. (1602-80) and His WorldFindlen, Paula
AKC Bibliography 0112Kircher's CronologyGrafton, Anthony
AKC Bibliography 0113Das Musaeum Kircherianum. Kontemplative Momente, historische Rekonstruktion, BildrhetorikMayer-Deutsch, Angela
AKC Bibliography 0114The United Sense of the Universe: Athanasius Kircher in Piazza NavonaRowland, Ingrid D.
AKC Bibliography 0116Oedipus Censored: Censurae of Athanasius Kircher's Works in the Archivium Romanum Societatis IesusStolzenberg, Daniel
AKC Bibliography 0117The Connoisseur of MagicStolzenberg, Daniel
AKC Bibliography 0118The Universal History of the Characters of Letters and Languages: An Unknown Manuscript by Athanasius KircherStolzenberg, Daniel
AKC Bibliography 0119If You Have a Secret, Either Keep It, or Reveal It: Cryptography and Universal LanguageWilding, Nick
AKC Bibliography 0120Georg Philipp Harsdöffer, Nürnberg, und Athanasius KircherFletcher, John E.
AKC Bibliography 0121Birth and Development of the Geological SciencesAdams, Franz Dawson
AKC Bibliography 0122La quête d'isis. Essai sur la légende d'un mythe. Introduction à l'EgyptomanieBaltrušaitis, Jurgis
AKC Bibliography 0123Anamorphes, ou magie artificielle des effects mervelleuxBaltrušaitis, Jurgis
AKC Bibliography 0124Le Moyen Age fantastique. Antiquités et exotismes dans l'art gothiqueBaltrušaitis, Jurgis
AKC Bibliography 0125Le lullisme de la Renaissance et du Baroque:Padoue et RomeBatllori, Miguel
AKC Bibliography 0126Isis UnveiledBlavatsky, H.P.
AKC Bibliography 0127The Isiac Tablet or the Bembine Table of IsisWescott, Wynn
AKC Bibliography 0129Athanasius KircherErman, Adolf
AKC Bibliography 0130Kircher, AthanasiusFerguson, John
AKC Bibliography 0132Johann Marcus Marci writes to A. KircherFletcher, John E.
AKC Bibliography 0135Storia del collegio romanoGarcia Villoslada, Ricardo
AKC Bibliography 0137Die erste Publication der Indishen Mogori. Schriftzeichen in Europa durch A. Kircher und Heinrich RothHaushild, Richard
AKC Bibliography 0138Geschichte der PhysikHeller, August
AKC Bibliography 0139Isis Cumulative BibliographyWhitrow, M.(ed.)