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Entry IDNameTitleYearLanguageBibliographic level
AKC Bibliography 0025Asmussen, TinaScientia Kircheriana. Die Fabrikation von Wissen bei Athanasius Kircher2017gerMonography
AKC Bibliography 0026Bertinetto, Alessandro
Vercellone, Federico (eds.)
Athanasius Kircher. L'idea di scienza universale2007itaConference proceedings
AKC Bibliography 0027Mori, GiulianoMondi ed emblemi egizi in Athanasius Kircher. La decifrazione di un particolare della Tabula Bembina2015itaBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0028Solís Santos, CarlosAthanasius Kircher e la Repubblica delle Lettere. Erudizione, Magia e Spettacolo'2005itaPaper in journal
AKC Bibliography 0029Fiore, Camilla S.Parmi di andare peregrinando dolcissimamente per quell'Etruria. Scoperte antiquarie e natura nell'Etruria di Curzio Inghirami e Athanasius Kircher2012itaPaper in journal
AKC Bibliography 0030Secchi, Giampietro (S.I.)Campione d'antica bilibra romana in piombo conservato nel Museo Kircheriano: con greca inscrizione inedita1835itaMonography
AKC Bibliography 0031Waddell, Mark A.,Jesuit science and the end of nature's secrets2016engMonography
AKC Bibliography 0032Marchi, GiuseppeLa cista atletica del Museo Kircheriano1848itaMonography
AKC Bibliography 0033Strasser, Gerhard F.Athanasius Kirchers Pestschrift von 1658 und seine Entstellung zur Lungenpest2005gerPaper in journal
AKC Bibliography 0034Godwin, JoscelynAthanasius Kircher e il teatro del mondo2010itaMonography
AKC Bibliography 0035De Ruggiero, EttoreGuida del Museo Kircheriano1879itaMonography
AKC Bibliography 0037Marchi, Giuseppe
Tessieri, Pietro
L'aes grave del Museo Kircheriano, ovvero, Le monete primitive dei popoli dell'Italia media, ordinate e descritte, aggiuntovi un ragionamento per tentarne l'illustrazione1839itaMonography
AKC Bibliography 0038Bartel, DietrichMusica Poetica: Musical-Rhetorical Figures in German Baroque Music1997engMonography
AKC Bibliography 0039Evans, Harry B.Exploring the Kingdom of Saturn: Kircher's Latium and Its Legacy2012engMonography
AKC Bibliography 0040Buonanno, RobertoThe Stars of Galileo Galilei and the Universal Knowledge of Athanasius Kircher2014engMonography
AKC Bibliography 0041Dos Santos, Moraes
Fausto, Christian
Pereira Neto, Juscelino
A natureza americana nas obra Turris Babel e Arca Noe do Jesuita Athanasius Kircher2011porPaper in journal
AKC Bibliography 0042Feingold, MordechaiJesuit Science and the Republic of Letters2003engBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0043Feingold, MordechaiJesuits: savants2003engBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0044Baldini, UgoThe Academy of Mathematics of the Collegio Romano from 1553 to 16122003engBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0045Wallace, William A.Galileos Jesuit connections and their influence in his science2003engBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0046Grant, EdwardThe partial transformation of Medieval cosmology by Jesuits in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries2003engBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0047Ariew, RogerDescartes and the Jesuits : doubt, novelty, and the Eucharist2003engBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0048Dinis, AlfredoGiovanni Battista Riccioli and the science of his time2003engBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0049Findlen, PaulaScientific spectacle in Baroque Rome: Athanasius Kircher and the Roman College Museum2003engBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0050Baldwin, MarthaPious ambition : natural philosophy and the Jesuit quest for the patronage of printed books in the Seventeenth Century2003engBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0051Navarro, VictorTradition and scientific change in early modern Spain : the role of the Jesuits2003engBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0052Vanpaemel, G. H. W.Jesuit science in the Spanish Netherlands2003engBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0053Westerhoff, Jan C.A World of Signs: Baroque Pansemioticism, the Polyhistor and the Early Modern Wunderkammer2001engPaper in journal
AKC Bibliography 0054Corsi, Elisabetta (ed.)Órdenes religiosas entre América y Asia : ideas para una historia misionera de los espacios coloniales2008spaMonography
AKC Bibliography 0055Findlen, PaulaDa Asia a las Americas : las visiones enciclopédicas de Athanasius Kircher y su reception2008spaBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0056Rowland, Ingrid D.Representing the world2008engBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0057Mori, GiulianoI geroglifici e la Croce: Athanasius Kircher tra Egitto e Roma2016itaMonography
AKC Bibliography 0058Lo Sardo, EugenioVincenzo Galilei, Athanasius Kircher e la musica greca2002itaPaper in conference proceedings
AKC Bibliography 0059Breidbach, Olaf, Ghiselin, Michael T.Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) on Noah's ark: baroque "intelligent design" theory2006engPaper in journal
AKC Bibliography 0060Dooley, BrendanThe Storia Letteraria d'Italia and the rehabilitation of Jesuit science2003engBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0061Leinkauf, ThomasWissen und Universalität. Struktur del scientia universalis in der Frühen Zeit2003gerPaper in journal
AKC Bibliography 0062Leinkauf, ThomasMundus combinatus und ars combinatoria als geistesgeschichtlicher Hintergrund des Museum Kircherianum in Rom1994gerBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0063Schmidt-Biggemann, WilhelmHermes Trismegistos, Isis und Osiris in Athanasius Kirchers "Oedipus Aegyptiacus"2001gerPaper in journal
AKC Bibliography 0064Leinkauf, ThomasAthanasius Kircher2001gerBook chapter
AKC Bibliography 0065Beinlich, Horst
Daxelmüller, Cristoph
Vollrath, Hans-Joachim
Vittstadt, Klaus (eds.)
Magie des Wissens: Athanasius Kircher (1602 - 1680) Jesuit und Universalgelehrter. Kurzführer zur Ausstellung 17. Januar - 16. März 20032002gerExhibition catalogue
AKC Bibliography 0066Grimm, Alfred, Grimm-Stadelmann, IsabelHierogrammatismus oder die Welt als Hieroglyphe. Eine kosmologische Allegorese des Athanasius Kircher2000gerPaper in conference proceedings
AKC Bibliography 0067Seipel, Wilfried (ed.)Ägyptomanie. Europäische Ägypten Imagination von der Antike bis heute. Schriften des Kunsthistorischen Museums Vol. 3 - Symposium Wien, Kunsthistorisches Museum, 30. und 31. Oktober 19942000gerConference proceedings
AKC Bibliography 0068Gilly, CarlosErmetismo per turisti, ovvero come fare di Ermete un pezzo da museo: Athanasius Kircher2002ita
Exhibition catalogue contribution
AKC Bibliography 0069Avellino, Francesco MariaDell'aes grave del Museo kircheriano: articoli due1839itaMonography
AKC Bibliography 0070Bartola, AlbertoAlle origini del Museo del Collegio Romano: documenti e testimonianze2004itaPaper in journal
AKC Bibliography 0071Gorman, Michael JohnThe Scientific Counter-Revolution. Mathematics, Natural Philosophy and Experimentalism in Jesuit Culture, 1580-16701998engDissertation or thesis
AKC Bibliography 0072Asmussen, Tina
Burkart, Lucas
Rößler, Hole
Schleier des Wissens. Athanasius Kirchers Strategien der Sichtbarmachung in Stadt, Museum und Buch2011gerPaper in journal
AKC Bibliography 0074Hanegraaff, Wouter Jacobus et al. (eds.)Athanasius Kircher2006engEncyclopedia or dictionary article
AKC Bibliography 0075Dieterle, Reinhard
Fletcher, John E.
Reiss, Wolfgang
Römer, Christel
Römer, Gerhard
Scharlau, Ulf
Universale Bildung im Barock : der Gelehrte Athanasius Kircher. Eine Ausstellung der Stadt Rastatt in Zusammenarbeit mit der Badischen Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe1981gerExhibition catalogue
AKC Bibliography 0076Rowland, Ingrid D.Athanasius Kircher, Giordano Bruno, and the Panspermia of the Infinite Universe2004engBook chapter