Athanasius Kircher Correspondence (AKC)
In this section you can browse Years, Names and Places indexes of the Athanasius Kircher correspondence. Currently, these indexes include letters metadata only, so they don't list cited names or cited works. If you want to perform a full-text search, you should use the search bar on the top right.
By clicking on ►, you can expand the main index and sub-indexes of your interest; if you find a grey ►, it means no letters have been still uploaded in that sub-index; by clicking on the index name, you will instead redirect to that index special page, where you can find detailed information about how the entries have been structured.
To do
At this link you can find a list of pages or letters to proofread or to transcribe. If you want to contribute to this work, please send us an email and we will provide you with a personal account.