MediaWiki:Proofreadpage index data config

Revision as of 16:34, 16 January 2017 by Lorenzo Mancini (talk | contribs)


   "help":"Formatting as follows: [Sender] to [recipient] in [recipient place], [sender place], [date].",
   "data": "title"
   "label":"Author or sender",
   "help":"Use the name form according to Epistolae Kircherianae Index by Gramatowski-Rebernik. If the author is uncertain, use the property .",
   "data": "author"
   "help":"Use the name form according to Epistolae Kircherianae Index by Gramatowski-Rebernik. If the recipient is uncertain, use the property .",
   "data": "Recipient"
   "Certain date":{
   "label":"Certain date",
   "help":"Formatting YYYY-MM-DD. When the date is not certain, use the property .",
   "data": "date"
 "Place of origin":{
   "label":"Place of origin",
   "help":"Use the place name form according to Epistolae Kircherianae Index by Gramatowski-Rebernik. If the place of origin is uncertain, use the property .",
   "data": "place"
 "Place of destination":{
   "label":"Place of destination",
   "help":"Use the place name form according to Epistolae Kircherianae Index by Gramatowski-Rebernik. If the place of destination is uncertain, use the property .",
   "data": "place"
   "help":"Languages code of the text like: \"it\", \"lat\", \"fr\" etc.",
   "data": "language"
   "help":"Preservation institution (library, archive or museum) of the original document, with detailed shelf mark (including leaves: e.g.: \"14r-16v\".",
 "Number of leaves":{
   "label":"Number of leaves",
   "help":"E.g.: \"2\".",
   "help":"Length x height, e.g.: \"156x223 mm\".",
 "Bibliographic level":{
   "label":"Bibliographic level",
   "help":"E.g.: Manuscript, Printed, Typescript.",
 "Document type":{
   "label":"Document type",
   "help":"E.g.: Original, Autograph, Draft etc.",
 "Graphic apparatus":{
   "label":"Graphic apparatus",
   "help":"Presence of drawings, prints or any other kind of graphic apparatus.",
 "Published in":{
   "label":"Published in",
   "help":"Source where the document has been published. Use a link to a bibliography entry of this wiki or an ISBD compliant bibliographic description.",
   "help":"Insert the link to the file uploaded on this wiki.",
   "values":{"T":"Validated", "V":"Proofread", "C":"Not-Proofread"},
   "data": "progress"
   "help":"Fill with categories: Names, Places, Years, Languages, Subjects.",
 "Transcription page":{
   "label":"Transcription page",
   "help":"Use the link of this page.",
