Abraham ibn Ezra

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Abraham ben Meir Ibn Ezra, known as Ibn Ezra, (1089/1092-1164/1167), born in Tudela, was one of the most distinguished Jewish biblical commentators and philosophers of the Middle Ages.
His commentary on the book of Genesis was included in the third Rabbinic Bible:
Arbaʿ ṿe-ʿeśrim ... : ha-ḥumash ʿim targum u-ferush Rashi ṿe-Ibn Ezra u-farperaʼot mi-baʿal ha-Ṭurim : ṿeha-Neviʼim ha-rishonim ʿim perush Rashi ṿe-Ḳimḥi ṿe-Ralbag ṿe-Rabi Yeshaʿyah : u-Neviʼim ha-aḥaronim ʿim p.[erush] Rashi ṿe-Ḳimḥi : ṿeha-Ketuvim ... ṿeha- Miḳraʼot meturgamim (Venice, 1547-48).

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