Page:APUG 0385-B.pdf/16

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seu deformis propter carentiam ornamentorum; ta
men proprie בֹהוּ significat vacuitatem ut
concorditer vertunt Hieronymus, Chaldeus et
alii. Et patet ex aliis locis, ut
Isaia 34[1] extendet super eam lineam תֹהוּ
et lapides בֹּהוּ id est inanem et vacuam faciet.
Hieremias 4[2] vidi terram et ecce תהוּ
וָבֹהוּ id est desertam vanam et vacuam quia ducti
fuerant omnes in captivitatem. Itaque sicut
תֹהוּ dicit privationem finis, ita בֹּהוּ pri
vationem locati. Et fere sunt idem ista duo.
Radix est בָהָה, et ponitur ו, loco ה .
circa punctum porro illud vav וָבֹהוּhabet
camets, cum deberet habere schurech, propter
emphasiam, qquia precedit aliud וּ

ר֣וּח Expone cur sit illud patach in fine. deinde
per hunc spiritum intelligi ventus magnus a plurimis,
a patribus autem communiter Spiritus sanctus ut etiam
exponitR. Salomon[3]. vox hebrea uterque patitur.
מְרַחֶפֶת a radice רָחַף in piel.significat autem
tam in cal quam in piel movere et moveri, unde
chaldeus,R. Abraham et Pagninus verterunt,

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  1. Isa. 34,11
  2. Jer. 4,23
  3. and the spirit of God was hovering: The Throne of Glory was suspended in the air and hovered over the face of the water with the breath of the mouth of the Holy One, blessed be He and with His word, like a dove, which hovers over the nest.