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Virginis Matris supereminenti celsitudine quidpiam dignius,<lb/>
Virginis Matris supereminenti celsitudine quidpiam dignius,<lb/>
Summary: Kircher introduces his writings on the devotions dedicated to the Virgin Mary by humblings himself to the devotees of the Mother of God in recognition of their long-held beliefs on the mysteries surrounding her. He also recognizes the sheer scale of those divine mysteries relating to the Mother of Christ and the multitude of supporting evidence to these dogmatic claims. In spite of the difficulty, Kircher, in his own words, begins to write a few things on the mysteries of the Virgin and the devotions to her.
Summary: Kircher introduces his writings on the devotions dedicated to the Virgin Mary by humblings himself to the devotees of the Mother of God in recognition of their long-held beliefs on the mysteries surrounding her. He also recognizes the sheer scale of those divine mysteries relating to the Mother of Christ and the multitude of supporting evidence to these dogmatic claims. In spite of the difficulty, Kircher, in his own words, begins to write a few things on the mysteries of the Virgin and the devotions to her.<lb/>
Key Words: "compulsum scribam," "omnes Asceticae disciplinae." "abyssum impenetrabielm inexhaustamque," "amplitudo terminum non habet," obfuscata"
Key Words: "compulsum scribam," "omnes Asceticae disciplinae." "abyssum impenetrabielm inexhaustamque," "amplitudo terminum non habet," obfuscata"

Revision as of 12:02, 2 October 2024

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Exercitium Spirituale

De modo, et ratione, qua cum fructu singulari,
devoti Deiparae filii, et Servi colere
possint, Magnam Dei Matrem, et nostram
Beatissimam, et Suprabenedictam Virginem


Plurium devotorum Deiparae Servorum deprecatione
compulsus scribam haec paucula de cultu Beatae Mariae
Virginis. Veruntamen cum huiusmodi argumentum tale
sit, ut nullam putem tantam esse ingenii faecunditatem,
nullam tam studiose affectatam orationem, qua sublimitas
rei, et ineffabilis celsitudo sat pro dignitate, describi et exornari
possit. Desudarunt iam dudum omnium Sanctorum
Patrum ingenia: laboraverunt omnes Asceticae disciplinae
Scriptores, et quotquot se magnae Matri laudibus extollendis,
medullitus vovere: Impletae fuerunt omnes Bibliothecae
Marianorum Elogiorum monumentis. Sed quid
tandem egerunt? abyssum impenetrabilem inexhaustamque,
qua nil tam sublime, nil tam reconditum, nil in tanta
faecunditate laudum adeo superexcelsum reperiere, quo
semper quid sublimius experiendum restet. Oceanum
traiecerunt, cuius amplitudo terminum non habet. Et
quamvis ego indignissimus, Servorumque Deiparae minimus
censeri debeam; quid tamen de tanta inexplicabilis
argumenti dignitate scribam, nescio; modum non
reperio, dum, dum fundum sine fundo lento, silet animus stupore
mirabilium perculsus, caecutit mens caliginosa
Magnae Virginis ineffabili lucis fulgore obfuscata. Quid
enim rudis et obtusae mentis vir inutilis ego de tanta
Virginis Matris supereminenti celsitudine quidpiam dignius,

Summary: Kircher introduces his writings on the devotions dedicated to the Virgin Mary by humblings himself to the devotees of the Mother of God in recognition of their long-held beliefs on the mysteries surrounding her. He also recognizes the sheer scale of those divine mysteries relating to the Mother of Christ and the multitude of supporting evidence to these dogmatic claims. In spite of the difficulty, Kircher, in his own words, begins to write a few things on the mysteries of the Virgin and the devotions to her.

Key Words: "compulsum scribam," "omnes Asceticae disciplinae." "abyssum impenetrabielm inexhaustamque," "amplitudo terminum non habet," obfuscata"