Difference between revisions of "Origenes"

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<span style="color:Blue">{{Smallcaps|Origenes}} <i>In Iohannem</i></span>
<span style="color:Blue">{{Smallcaps|Origenes}} <i>In Iohannem</i></span>
{{Smallcaps|Origenes}}: <i>Commentarium in Iohannem</i>, ed. Erwin Preuschen: <i>Der Johanneskommentar</i>, Leipzig 1903.
<span style="color:Red">{{Smallcaps|Origenes}}: <i>Commentarium in Iohannem</i>, ed. Erwin Preuschen: <i>Der Johanneskommentar</i>, Leipzig 1903.</span>
<span style="color:Blue">{{Smallcaps|Origenes}} <i>In Leviticum</i></span>
<span style="color:Blue">{{Smallcaps|Origenes}} <i>In Leviticum</i></span>

Revision as of 12:44, 1 April 2020

Origenes In Iohannem
Origenes: Commentarium in Iohannem, ed. Erwin Preuschen: Der Johanneskommentar, Leipzig 1903.

Origenes In Leviticum
Origenes: Homiliae in Leviticum, ed. Marcel Borret: Origène, Homélies sur le Lévitique (SChr 286-287), Paris 1981.

Origenes In Numeros
Origenes: Homiliae in Numeros