Index:AKC 1669 02 24 565-157.pdf
Sender | Alejandro Fabián |
Recipient | Sacrosanto Tribunal de la Inquisición |
Date | 1665-02-24 |
Date additional information | Textual date does not correspond to material date - see notes below. |
Place of origin | Puebla de los Ángeles |
Language | spa |
Source | APUG, Ms. 565, f. 157v-160r |
Bibliographic level | Manuscript |
External link | Early Modern Letters Online (EMLO) |
Progress | To be proofread |
Transcription | 157r 157v 158r 158v 159r 159v |
Abstract | The document is the reproduction/copy of a letter supposedly sent by Favián to the Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition in New Spain on 24/feb/1665. It is annexed to a letter from Favián to Athanasius Kircher, dated 12/mar/1666. |
Remarks |