Bibliography:Pasquale D'Elia Bibliography 0012


D'Elia, Pasquale. Un dotto missionario italiano in Cina, Padre Matteo Ricci S.I. e il suo mappamondo cinese. (1938).

Name(s) D'Elia, Pasquale
Title Un dotto missionario italiano in Cina, Padre Matteo Ricci S.I. e il suo mappamondo cinese
Place of printing
Year 1938
Language(s) ita
Contained in Le Vie del Mondo VI (1938), 385-396
Bibliographic level Paper in journal
Catalogue description
Archival reference(s)
Key Concept(s)
Cited in

Abstract: D'Elia traces the life of F. Matteo Ricci from his early years until his entrance into the Society of Jesus, and consequent arrival in China under the guide of F. Alessandro Valignao.
D'Elia outlines F. Ricci's work of evangelization in the Chinese Empire, by a process of cultural exchange: according to D'Elia, F. Ricci preached the Christian teachings by showing the European technological progress and astronomical knowledge of its time.
D'Elia then introduces the development and historical meaning of F. Ricci's Worldmap - its various editions and the copies surviving up to his time. An account of the 1602 Worldmap sample preserved at the Biblioteca Vaticana is eventually given, through its geographical insights. As D'Elia himself mentions here, to such a copy he would devote a massive pubblication later in 1938.
It contains photographic reproductions of the Worldmap.