Bibliography:AKC Bibliography 0302

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Severino, Nicola. Il mondo sulla punta di uno stilo: atto primo. La gnomonica di Athanasius Kircher. (1995).

Name(s) Severino, Nicola
Title Il mondo sulla punta di uno stilo: atto primo. La gnomonica di Athanasius Kircher
Place of printing
Year 1995
Language(s) ita
Contained in Astronomia UAI, 2 (1995), 2-8
Bibliographic level Paper in journal
Catalogue description
Key Concept(s)
Cited in
Digitization Mondo sulla Punta di uno Stilo atto I La Gnomonica di Athanasius Kircher

See also AKC Bibliography 0330.

Abstract [1]

The author presents the gnomonic concepts of the Jesuiti Athanasius Kircher through the study of four sciatteric tables found by dr. Giuseppe Monaco now in the Astronomical and Copernican Museum of the Monte Porzio Catone Astronomical Observatory (Rome). With his work Kircher operated a cultural synthesis between gnomonic, geometry, astronomy and astrology.


  1. Copied from the journal.