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qua latini et graeci carent
אֱלֹהֹם nomen est commune Deo, et angelis,
ac principibus, seu iudicibus omnibus.
Radix est אָלָה quod significat
iurare execratorio iuramento, quia
ergo qui iurant execratorie Deum
invocant ut iudicem, inde hoc nomen
significat iudicem, et Deum ipsum,
quia est futurus iudex. Est autem hoc
nomen numeri multitudinis et proprie
Deos significat. nam singulare est אֱלֹוהּ אלה . Sunt hic
duo notanda contra rabinos, p° eos
nimis superstitiose respicere ad ethi
mologias quia enim אֱלֹהִ֑ים dicitur
ab invocatione iudicis, ubicuique invenitur
hoc nomen, quaerunt rationem cur conantur ostendere ea
quae ibi convenire Deo, ut iudici
et quia non semper inveniunt viam id
ostendendi, incidunt in mille errores
ut hoc loco accidit R. Salomoni Rashi. By referring to Gen. 2,4 'on the day the Lord (יְהוָֹה) God (אֱלֹהֹם) made earth and heaven.' Rashi claims that God created heaven and earth with mercy, which God brings to bear as יְהוָֹה and justice, which God enacts as אֱלֹהֹםProperty "Work" (as page type) with input value "By referring to Gen. 2,4 'on the day the Lord (יְהוָֹה) God (אֱלֹהֹם) made earth and heaven.' Rashi claims that God created heaven and earth with mercy, which God brings to bear as יְהוָֹה and justice, which God enacts as אֱלֹהֹם" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
sciendum igitur est, quod etsi hoc
nomen derivatur ab invocatione iudicis,