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Reverenda in Chrí Pator<lb/>
Pax Christi<lb/>
Adfuere mihi ante aliquos septimanas Dani duo, a prima illius regni<lb/>
nobilitata inneres, nomine Stycho Hog lustinies. et5 lanus<lb/>
Larsinus. Dicebant se Romamproperare tum Urbis videndìa.<lb/>
tum R.<hi rend="superscript">ma</hi> V.<hi rend="superscript">ma</hi> <unclear></unclear> causæ,

Revision as of 10:44, 4 May 2017

This page has not been proofread

Reverenda in Chrí Pator
Pax Christi
Adfuere mihi ante aliquos septimanas Dani duo, a prima illius regni
nobilitata inneres, nomine Stycho Hog lustinies. et5 lanus
Larsinus. Dicebant se Romamproperare tum Urbis videndìa.
tum R.ma V.ma causæ,