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Emblem-important-black.svg These guidelines are valid for the transcription of the Athanasius Kircher Correspondence letters only. To read the guidelines for the other project, please consult their respective pages.

In these guidelines you will find not only the rules for transcribing, but also descriptions of other tasks that users have to complete, in order to guarantee the proper functioning of GATE and to ease the work of other users. These simple and quick tasks must be performed within the same page where you are transcribing the letters. Their main function is monitoring and keeping updated the whole progress of the work.

In any case remember that GATE is a collaborative project, therefore not all the tasks must be carried out by the same user.

These transcription guidelines are available in the following languages:

Transcription guidelines

To transcribe the letters we are following several simple rules, selected for the purpose of producing standard transcriptions despite the number of people who will be working on this project.
First of all, we decided to carry out two kinds of transcription for each letter:

  • a diplomatic transcription, reproducing the original structure and the spelling of the words of the original text: within this transcription a small group of TEI tags will be used;
  • a reviewed transcription, where all the abbreviations and some certain features of the original text will be regularized to ease the reading, the full text search and the semantic annotation too.

Diplomatic transcription

The TEI Tags extension has been implemented to carry out the diplomatic transcription of the letters. This extension has been devoloped by Richard Davis within the Transcribe Bentham Project. TEI Tags allows the use of a group of TEI tags to give the text a basic logical structure and to highlight some text phenomena.
The diplomatic transcription is performed within the Page namespace.
The following is a brief guidance for the use of tags.
To use tags (see the video on the right):

Click FullScreenIcon.png for full-screen mode.
  • click on 'Edit' on the page you intend to transcribe
  • select the 'Edition' toolbar
  • select the text to mark
  • click on the button you want to use
  • save the page.

Please remind: to work correctly, all tags, except for <lb/> and <pb/>, must contain the text you want to mark.


Head: "the <head> element is used to identify a heading prefixed to the start of any textual division, at any level" (TEI P5).[1]
This tag must be used to mark the salutation at the beginning of the letters, including the first line only.[2]

Corresponding button in the 'Edition' toolbar: TEI Head22px.png


Paragraph: the <p> tag "marks paragraphs in prose" (TEI P5).[3]
This tag is used to mark any text block, with the exception ofthe salutation at the beginning of the letter (see <head>). Please, use this tag also to mark single lines of the final salutation.

Corresponding button in the 'Edition' toolbar: TEI P22px.png


Line break: "<lb> (line break) marks the start of a new (typographic) line in some edition or version of a text" (TEI P5).[4]
Use this tag to mark each line of the text; you don't have to use it to break the line after <head> and <p>. This tag can be indented within a <p> tag, when a paragraph is composed of several lines.

Corresponding button in the 'Edition' toolbar: TEI Lb22px.png


Page break: "<pb> (page break) marks the start of a new page in a paginated document" (TEI P5).[5]
Use this tag at the end of the transcription of each page of a multiple pages letter; do not use it when the back page includes only the address.

Corresponding button in the 'Edition' toolbar: TEI Pb22px.png


Abbreviation: "<abbr> (abbreviation) contains an abbreviation of any sort." (TEI P5).[6]
Use this tag to mark abbreviated words, e.g. <abbr>R.do</abbr>, <abbr>Ill.mo</abbr>. In case of two or more consecutive abbreviated words, mark each of them with a separate tag, e.g. <abbr>V.</abbr> <abbr>R.</abbr>. When abbreviations show up as symbols, please transcribe only the first letter of the abbreviated word followed by a dot and mark this text using <abbr>. E.g. when the symbols for per occurs, mark them as <abbr>p.</abbr>.

Corresponding button in the 'Edition' toolbar: TEI Abbr22px.png


Addition: "<add> (addition) contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the source text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector" (TEI P5).[7]
Use this tag to mark, e.g., additions of words between two lines.

Corresponding button in the 'Edition' toolbar: TEI Add22px.png


Deletion: "<del> (deletion) contains a letter, word, or passage deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector" (TEI P5).[8]

Corresponding button in the 'Edition' toolbar: TEI Del22px.png


Gap: "<gap> indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is illegible, invisible, or inaudible" (TEI P5).[9]

Use this tag when you can't read the text for any of the reasons mentioned above.

Corresponding button in the 'Edition' toolbar: TEI Gap22px.png


Unclear: "<unclear> contains a word, phrase, or passage which cannot be transcribed with certainty because it is illegible or inaudible in the source" (TEI P5).[10]

Corresponding button in the 'Edition' toolbar: TEI Unclear22px.png


Sic: "<sic> (Latin for thus or so) contains text reproduced although apparently incorrect or inaccurate" (TEI P5).[11]

Corresponding button in the 'Edition' toolbar: TEI Sic22px.png


Underline: marks underlined text.[12]

Corresponding button in the 'Edition' toolbar: TEI Und22px.png


Superscript: marks a superscripted text.[13]
Use this tag to represent the style of abbreviations, e.g. <abbr>R.<hi rend="superscript">do</hi></abbr> gives R.do; do not use this tag as substitute of addition (<add>).

Corresponding button in the 'Edition' toolbar: TEI Sup22px.png


Note: "<note> contains a note or annotation" (TEI P5).[14]
Within manuscript letters this tag shouldn't be necessary, since it is more suitable for printed texts; however sometimes it could be useful, e.g. to mark the text of an asterisk which refers to an addition on the margin of the letter: in such cases you have to transcribe the text of the note within the whole text of the letter and mark all of it with <note>.

Corresponding button in the 'Edition' toolbar: TEI Note22px.png

Other rules

  • Diphthongs: you must insert diphthongs using the 'Special characters' toolbar and choosing the 'Latin' set of characters.
  • Do not use spaces or start new lines more than necessary.
  • Words on two lines (at end of one line and at the beginning of the following line) must be transcribed as they appear, transcribing the dash to start a new line, followed by the <lb/> tag, e.g.:
What you type What you get




  • The same rule applies to words on two pages, where the first part of the word must be transcribed in the page where it begins (followed by a dash) and the second part in the following page.
  • In some cases the reading of the encoding could be really difficult; to check if everything is fine, use the 'Show preview' button at the bottom of the page (close to the 'Save page' button).

Example of diplomatic transcription

What you type What you get
<head>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,</head>

<p>consectetur <abbr>adipiscing</abbr> elit. Maecenas <add>accumsan</add> fermentum purus,<lb/>
id <del>molestie</del> diam tristique quis. <gap/>Donec nec enim nec leo <lb/>
laoreet <unclear>tristique</unclear>. Aliquam <sic>massa</sic> nunc, pharetra <hi rend="underline">sed</hi> luctus eget, elementum nec leo. <lb/>
Donec sagittis dapibus <hi rend="superscript">ultrices</hi>. Aliquam at egestas metus, ut tempus <note>metus</note>.</p>

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas accumsan fermentum purus,
id molestie diam tristique quis. Donec nec enim nec leo
laoreet tristique. Aliquam massa nunc, pharetra sed luctus eget, elementum nec leo.
Donec sagittis dapibus ultrices. Aliquam at egestas metus, ut tempus metus.

---page break---

Reviewed transcription

The reviewed transcription is performed within 'Main' namespace. This transcription does not use TEI tags, but just some elements of Wiki markup.

Accent marks

When accent marks are absent in the original text, they must be reported within the reviewed transcription, e.g.:

  • “virtu” “virtù”;
  • “umanita” “umanità”
  • etc.

The same style is valid for other languages too (French, Latin etc.). This choice implies the deletion of accent marks no longer used in modern languages, e.g. "mandarla à me" "mandarla a me".


All abbreviations must be extended. This rule is valid for honorary titles, salutations and any other kind of abbreviated word. If in doubt, leave abbreviated words as they appear in the original text.
This rule applies to any language.


Diacrital marks (including punctuation) are always followed by a space; this rule doesn't applies to apostrophes used in articles or prepositions, e.g.:

  • “ill.mo” NOT “ill. mo”;
  • “V. S.” NOT “V.S.”;
  • “l’altra” NOT “l’ altra”;
  • “chiesa, casa” NOT “chiesa,casa”;
  • “dell’altra” NOT “dell’ altra”.

Other rules

  • Any other integrations are allowed ONLY to return a more correct text, e.g. restoring concurrence between articles and words, e.g. “dei numero” “del numero”.
  • Outdated forms must be returned to the current use, e.g. “haver” "aver", “humanità” "umanità", “Venetia” "Venezia", “doppo” "dopo", “colegio” "collegio" etc..
  • Words on two lines (at end of one line and at the beginning of the following line) must be integrally transcribed, without any breaking sign; words on two pages must be integrally transcribed in the page where they begin.

Example of reviewed transcription

Diplomatic transcription Reviewed transcription
Molto R.do P. in Chr.o

P. C.

Quasi nell'istesso tempo ho havuto il desiderato avviso dal Nostro Padre,
e da V.a R.a, e dal nostro P. Prov.le, e P. Rettore di questo
Collegio, che alla rinfrescata vada a Roma, per essere Compagno
di V.a R.a; il che farò con gusto mio indicibile, per potere servire
ad un tanto grande successo, et imparare da lui. L'inclusa
ho consegnato al Sig.re D. Carlo XX miglia, il quale l'ha rice-
vuto con sentimento di allegrezza particolare, e mi l'ha mo-
strato, e letto. La sua andata a Roma è stata impedita da uno
tristissimo avvenimento, et è il seguente. Alli 4 di Agosto stava
egli in una seggetta avanti della sua casa, per vedere
gioco di foco che per ordine suo si doveva fare avanti
la Casa in honore della B. V. Maria ad Nives; stava in mezzo
di molta gente un cocchio di due mule, le quali commin-
ciandosi a sparare, si spaventarono, et infuriate passarono
sopra la seggetta del Sig.re Carlo, e gittandolo in terra, gli
spezzarono con una rota del cocchio l'osso della gamba in tre
pezzi; onde stà egli a letto, e starà per molti giorni, con
grandissimi dolori, ma, come si spera, senza pericolo della vita.
Io quasi ogni giorno vado a visitarlo. Ha pensiero, rice-
vuta la sanità, di andare à Roma per stampare la sua Si-
cilia, o di mandarla à me, non potendo egli fare viaggio:
et alla mia partenza mi darà molte cose rare per la Galleria
de V.a Re.a. Ho scritto al Sig.re Scafiti, et aspetto la risposta. La
spesa del mio viaggio sarà moderatissima, e spero di haverla
ò tutta, ò in parte dall'amici. V.a Re.a interima preghi il Sig.re,
che prosperi il viaggio. Palermo 18. d'Agosto 1652.

Di V.a Re.a

Servo indegno in Chr.o

Gaspare Schott

Molto Reverendo Padre in Christo

Pax Christi
Quasi nello stesso tempo ho avuto il desiderato avviso dal Nostro Padre,
e da Vostra Reverenza, e dal nostro Padre Provinciale, e Padre Rettore di questo
Collegio, che alla rinfrescata vada a Roma, per essere Compagno
di Vostra Reverenza; il che farò con gusto mio indicibile, per potere servire
a un tanto grande successo, e imparare da lui. L'inclusa
ho consegnato al Signore D. Carlo Ventimiglia, il quale l'ha ricevuto
con sentimento di allegrezza particolare, e me l'ha mostrato,
e letto. La sua andata a Roma è stata impedita da un
tristissimo avvenimento, ed è il seguente. Al 4 di Agosto stava
egli in una seggetta avanti della sua casa, per vedere
gioco di fuoco che per ordine suo si doveva fare avanti
la Casa in onore della Beata Vergine Maria ad Nives; stava in mezzo
di molta gente un cocchio di due mule, le quali cominciandosi
a sparare, si spaventarono, e infuriate passarono
sopra la seggetta del Signore Carlo, e gettandolo in terra, gli
spezzarono con una ruota del cocchio l'osso della gamba in tre
pezzi; onde sta egli a letto, e starà per molti giorni, con
grandissimi dolori, ma, come si spera, senza pericolo della vita.
Io quasi ogni giorno vado a visitarlo. Ha pensiero, ricevuta
la sanità, di andare a Roma per stampare la sua Sicilia,
o di mandarla a me, non potendo egli fare viaggio:
e alla mia partenza mi darà molte cose rare per la Galleria
di Vostra Reverenza. Ho scritto al Signore Scafiti, e aspetto la risposta. La
spesa del mio viaggio sarà moderatissima, e spero di averla
o tutta, o in parte dagli amici. Vostra Reverenza interima preghi il Signore,
che prosperi il viaggio. Palermo 18 d'Agosto 1652.

Di Vostra Reverenza

Servo indegno in Cristo

Gaspare Schott

Please note that it is not necessary that the reviewed transcription respects the length of the lines of the original text: insert a <br /> only when a new paragraph is started and to separate each text blocks.

Management tasks

To maintain the work progress up to date, users must change the transcription status when they finish to proofread a text.
For further information about proofread tools, see Wiki help#Proofread.

Change transcription status

  1. when you visit a page not yet proofread, chosen in the not proofread letters list, before the text beginning it contains the indication This page has not been proofread;
  2. this indication informs about the transcription status of that letter; this status is set by users using a toolbar at the bottom of the page in 'Edit' mode;
  3. when users end their corrections, before saving, they must assign to the page the Proofread status (marked in yellow);
  4. after setting the new status and saving the page, before the text beginning you can see the new indication This page has been proofread.

Change transcription status categories

Page with category AKC Not proofread.

When you are in 'Edit' mode within a not proofread page, before the text beginning (or at the end of it), you can read the code [[Category:AKC Not proofread]]. This code represents a category assigned to that page to group it with similar pages, in this case pages containing letters not yet proofread within the Athanasius Kircher Correspondence; as any other category, it is shown at the bottom of the page (see Wiki help#Categories for further information).

Once users ended their revisions, before saving, they must change this category to [[Category:AKC Proofread]]: this will allow to maintain the not proofread letters list up to date.
Before leaving the page, check if the new category is shown at the bottom of the page and if it is in blue, not red. If it is red, it means the code used is not correct. It is sufficient to write [[Category:AKC proofread]] (with lowercase p) to generate the error.
