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Controversies and disputes are natural in intellectual life in the search for truth. As Saint Albert the Great remembered: in dulcedine societatis quaerere veritatem[1]. The Internet could recover this dynamic that was found in its foundation.

The collaborative dimension that is a premise of GATE’s platform, finds its roots in the belief that knowledge is generated by sharing, while still navigating in a space of autonomy and freedom. Transdisciplinarity suggests that a single view point (or discipline) does not exist, while multiple views of the same topic of study can be expressed. Technology, nowadays, should base its foundation on this collaborative dimension. However, the web, which often seems to be idolised by multiple organizations, either censures all the possible and infinite bifurcations of thought - the latter being, indeed, the source of knowledge - or, at the very least, tends to control its dissemination. Censorship is known, throughout history, to have thrown many nets.
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  1. Et hoc dico propter quosdam inertes, qui solatium suae inertiae quaerentes, nihil quaerunt in scriptis, nisi quod reprehendant: et cum tales sint torpentes in inertia, ne soli torpentis videantur, quaerunt ponere maculam in electis. Tales Socratem occiderunt, Platonem de Athenis in Academiam fugaverunt, in Aristotelem machinantes etiam eum exire compulerunt [...]. Qui in communicatione studi sunt, quod hepar in corpore: in omni autem corpore humor fellis est, qui evaporando totum amaricat corpus, ita in studio semper sunt amarissimi et fellei viri, qui omnes alios convertunt in amaritudinem, nec sinunt eos in dulcedine societatis quaerere veritatem. Alberto, Politica, 8, 6.