Bibliography:AKC Bibliography 0303

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Severino, Nicola. Ars magna lucis et umbrae. The incredible sundials of Athanasius Kircher. (1998).

Name(s) Severino,Nicola
Title Ars magna lucis et umbrae. The incredible sundials of Athanasius Kircher
Place of printing
Year 1998
Language(s) eng
Contained in British Sundial Society Bulletin, pp 21-23
Bibliographic level Paper in journal
Catalogue description
Key Concept(s)
Keyword(s) Ars magna lucis et umbrae
Cited in
Digitization MAGNA LUCIS ET UMBRAE of Athanasius Kircher


This article is about the life and studies of Athanasius Kircher(1602-1680) and the innovations he introduced in the gnomonics' sector, (e.g. the use of the zodiac for sundial indications), which are included in his opus magnum Ars magna lucis et umbrae

Library of Montecassino Abbey, Biblioteca Provinciale dell'Aquila, Italy