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est.[1] nam occisus fuit a Lamech, qui est
septimus ab Adam. ita etiam solvunt Abulensis[2]
et Lyranus[3]. Haec solutio sapit hebraicas
fabulas. et Hieronymus ipse in sua versione
posuit septuplum punietur, ut re vera est
in hebraeo, nam יֻקַּם est futurum hophal
a radice נָקַם ac proinde passivum, non activum
Chrisostomos in hunc locum rectius docet
Cainum de fuisse reum septem peccatorum, nam
invidit fratri. 2°. illum occidere cogitavit
p° non recte divisit in sacrificio. 2°. invidit
fratri. 3° decepit illum dicens egrediamur
in agrum. 4° illum occidit. 5° respondit Deo illum occidens, fra
trem occidit. 6° primum omnium caedem reus
procaciter, nescio, et non ego sum custos fratris
6° desperavit de misericordia Dei.
p° peccavit in sacrificio non recte dividens
2° invidit fratri. 3° illum occidere cogitavit.
4° decepit dicens egrediamur in agrum. 5° occi
dit. 6°Deo menditus est. 7° desperavit.[4]
propter haec voluit Deus ut longissimo tempore cru
ciaretur, et non una celeri morte finiret
dolores. propterea ergo prohibuit eum occidi
et occisori comminatus est poenam talionis, si
cut si rex dicat, volo talem latronem vivum
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  1. Catena in Genesim, fol. 112v.
  2. Alphonsi Thostati epicopi Abule[n]sis hispani a se edita super Genesim Commentaria (Venice, 1507), p.??
  3. Textus biblie cum glossa ordinaria, Nicolai de lyra postilla, moralitatibus eiusdem, Pauli Burgensis Additionibus, Matthie Thoring Replicis, p. I (Basel, 1504), 46r.
  4. But I should show you more clearly how the murderer of Cain will be punished by seven punishments...Here the Scripture gives us a glimpse of the enormity of Cain's package, since it does not consider it a single sin, but as constituting seven sins, for each of which severe punishment is intended. Let's try to list these sins. First of all, he envied his brother because of the benevolence God showed him, and he would not have needed more to lose him; secondly, it is his own brother that he envies; third, it tends to be a trap; fourth, he commits murder; fifthly, it is his own brother that he kills; sixth, he is the author of the first murder that was committed; seventh, he lies to God. Have you followed this enumeration, or must I resume it by showing you that each of these aggravating circumstances deserves a serious torture? To envy the one whom God favors is this excusable? This is already an unforgivable mistake. It gets even worse when it is to a brother, from whom one has suffered no injustice, that one envies. So this is still a sin that is not the smallest. It is a third fault to lay a trap, to deceive, to lead into the country, to trample on nature. Murder forms the fourth sin. The fifth results from the fact that it is a brother who is put to death, a brother born of the same breast. Introducing a new kind of sin into the world is the sixth sin. The seventh sin: the murderer dares to lie to God who deigns to question him, Saint John Chrysostomos,Homilies on Genesis transl. by Robert C. Hill (The Fathers of the Church, a new translation, vol. 82), (Washington D.C., c. 1990), Homily 19.