Page:ASC 1856 09 10 10-36.pdf/1

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Royal Observatory, Greenwich

1856 September 10
My dear Sir
Re the other leaf, I place a
copy of the paper which was inserted in the Box
containing the copies of the British Standards.
I believe that you received my letter of April 12,
containing some farther particulars relating to the
Standard of Weight.
In the meteorological papers, the term “Umidità”
is used as a quantity expressible by a number,
but it is not explained. Does it mean “the
proportion of vapour actually in the air to the vapour
required for complete saturation”?
I believe that the booksellers at Rome
frequently have store of old books. Could you
conveniently make inquiry for “Vita di Ansaldo
Grimaldi, Napoli, 1769”? I am anxious to procure
it if possible. I cannot give the name of the author.

I am, my dear Sir, Yours very faithfully,
GB Airy